letters on the line

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy28 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Which letters are stable on the line?

The answer is:

  • The letter alif (a).
  • The letter Baa (b).
  • The letter Taa (T).
  • The letter Thaa (Th).
  • The letter Ta’a (T).
  • The letter Kaf (k).
  • The letter L (L).
  • The letter Haa (e).

Naskh script is known for its distinctive characters on the line. These are the characters that are fixed to the line and include characters such as a, b, v, w, i, k, and l. These letters are commonly used in many Islamic texts and documents, providing a beautiful and distinctive style of writing. Knowledge of these letters is essential for anyone wishing to learn the Naskh script, as they provide a foundation for writing the language. With its distinctive shapes, it forms a unique alphabet used in various Islamic documents. One must take care to learn them correctly and understand their meaning when reading or writing in this script. Knowing these letters will help one develop an appreciation for the beauty of Naskh script.

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