When does a hypocrite keep his promises?

Doha Hashem
Questions and solutions
Doha Hashem28 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

When does a hypocrite keep his promises?

The answer is: If he has an interest, then he keeps the promise and the covenant to the extent of his interest only.

A hypocrite is someone who claims to believe in something while secretly opposing it.
The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, warned us about the characteristics of the hypocrites and how they will act.
When it comes to keeping his promises, a hypocrite will only keep his promises if he has an interest in doing so.
They will keep promise and covenant to the extent of their interest.
Hypocrites are often motivated by their own self-interest, which makes them unreliable when it comes to keeping their promises.
Therefore, it is important to be aware of the traits of a hypocrite and to be wary of any promises he makes.

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