Why does rain have more than one smell?

Questions and solutions
admin22 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Why does rain have more than one smell?

The answer is:

  • Because some rains produce the smell through the essential oils that the plants secrete, and other types take their scent from the upper layers of the atmosphere through rains that contain thunderstorms.
Rain has more than one scent due to the unique combination of compounds released by plants, bacteria, and soil organisms.
These compounds, such as ozone and essential oils, mix with raindrops and create a distinctive earthy scent.
The scent can vary from place to place depending on the type of plants and organisms present in the soil, which makes each rain unique.
Rain can also take on different scents depending on pH levels, temperature, and humidity.
All of these factors combine to create a multi-layered scent that will please many people.
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