The place value of the digit XNUMX in this number is XNUMX

Questions and solutions
admin22 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The place value of the digit XNUMX in this number is XNUMX

The answer is:  Ones in a million.

The place value of the digit 9 in this number 9876320 is “ones to millions”. Mathematics is a broad science that contains many branches, including geometry, arithmetic, and measurement. It is a science of measurement that includes many applications and skills. Place value is the value of a number relative to its position in a number. It is represented on home plate in such a way that the value of each spot increases from right to left, starting with the one on. Therefore, the place value of the number 9 in this number is 9876320 “ones of millions.”

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