Which parts of the plant make up the texture of the plant?

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed5 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Which parts of the plant make up the texture of the plant?

The answer is: the leg.

The stem of the plant is responsible for the tissue of the plant and the transport of water to its other parts.
The stem makes up the main body of the plant and is made up of cells that transport water and other substances throughout the plant.
It also helps support leaves and flowers, provides structure, and supports photosynthesis.
The stem is important for providing stability to the plant, enabling it to grow and thrive.
Roots are also responsible for transporting water to other parts of the plant, but their main function is to hold the plant in place, absorb nutrients from the soil, and store energy.
Leaves are responsible for conducting photosynthesis, which is essential for the survival of plants.
All of these parts work together to provide structure, stability and nutrition to the plant.

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