What is a mailbox?

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed14 May 2023Last update: 11 months ago

What is a mailbox?

The answer is: The parts of the postal code consist of 9 numbers, which are written in the following form: 89 67 – 45 123: The number 123 indicates the center or large city. 45 indicates the facility of the post office or the area where the delivery is made. The dash between numbers is important as it is written after the first five numbers.

A post office box is a service provided by the post office to individuals or organizations. Each subscriber is given a mailbox with a specific private key. This mailbox is usually attached to the wall adjacent to the house or institution, and its purpose is to receive and exchange letters with others. The mailbox also comes with a PO Box at the national address, which allows subscribers to receive services. Mailboxes are a convenient way to store and send mail securely, ensuring it arrives safely at its destination.

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