How much is the rule of Imam Turki bin Abdullah?

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed14 May 2023Last update: 12 months ago

How much is the rule of Imam Turki bin Abdullah?

The answer is:  two periods The first period lasted a year (1236 AH / 1821 AD), and the second period (1238-1249 AH) (1823-1834 AD).

Imam Turki bin Abdullah was the founder of the second Saudi state, and took power in 1240 AH. His rule lasted ten years from 1240 AH to 1250 AH. During this period, he established the foundations of a strong and prosperous kingdom, which would eventually be known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He also made several reforms in the government of the state and brought about a period of stability and peace. His reign was a milestone in the history of the region, and his legacy lives on today in the form of the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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