The signifier and its equivalent consist of two parts in the Naskh script

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed28 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The signifier and its equivalent consist of two parts in the Naskh script

The answer is: right.

Naskh script is one of the most widely used Arabic scripts in writing the Holy Quran and Arabic texts. One of the letters used in this Arabic calligraphy is the letter D. The drawing of the letter dal in Naskh script consists of two parts, the head of the waw and the body of the ba. When writing the letter in other Arabic scripts, such as the Ruq’ah script, the letter D is written connected to the other letters that precede it in the word. Naskh script is considered one of the beautiful and elegant Arabic fonts, and is used in many fields such as graphic design, wall painting, and many other applications. Therefore, preserving the aesthetics of writing letters in Naskh script is very important.

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