The correct order of the places to the right of the decimal point is

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed28 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The correct order of the places to the right of the decimal point is

The answer is: Parts of the ten are parts of blood, parts of a hundred parts of blood

Decimal numbers are an important part of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and several other fields.
When working with decimal numbers, take into account the order of the numbers in the whole number place and the place of the numbers on the right side of the decimal point.
In general, decimal numbers are ordered from left to right starting with the tens place, followed by the waters place, then the decimal places, and so on.
When answering a question such as “Arrange the following decimal numbers from smallest to largest”, they are arranged using the place of the decimal digits and identifying the numbers that lie in higher places in the sequence.
Thus, the numbers are placed in the required order from smallest to largest according to the adjective of decimal places.

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