The population is concentrated in the continent of Asia more than other continents

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed14 May 2023Last update: 12 months ago

The population is concentrated in the continent of Asia more than other continents

The answer is: نعمThe population is concentrated in the continent of Asia more than other continents.
Asia is the largest continent in the world, covering approximately 30% of the Earth's surface area.
As for the population, the population is concentrated in the continent of Asia more than other continents, with about 60% of the total population.

The population is concentrated in the continent of Asia more than other continents, where the distribution is the most dense in the world.
The Chinese are the largest ethnic group concentrated in the region, with a marked variation in the distribution of the population between the different parts of the continent.
The reason for this focus is due to the presence of many geographical and economic advantages that provide certain reasons and necessities for life.
Fortunately, we find that the continent's development plan reinforces this focus and works to create more favorable conditions for economic growth and human development.

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