The amount of solute that dissolves in 100 grams of solvent is called

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed14 May 2023Last update: 12 months ago

The amount of solute that dissolves in 100 grams of solvent is called

The answer is: solubility.

In chemistry, the amount of solute that dissolves in 100 grams of solvent is referred to as concentration.
This is an important concept to understand when working with solvents and solutes.
Solutions consist of two substances: the solute, which is the substance that dissolves, and the solvent, which is the substance in which the solute is dissolved.
The amount of solute dissolved in 100 grams of solvent is a measure of the amount of solute.
The solute has been dissolved in the solvent.
Knowing this information can help chemists decide what type of solution they need and how much of each substance to use.
Understanding how concentration works is essential for any chemist!

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