The introduction to the letter includes … the addressee. sender. the date. the signature.

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed7 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The introduction to the letter includes … the addressee. sender. the date. the signature.

The answer is:  consignee.

The introduction to the message usually includes important information that helps the reader understand the purpose of the message. It includes: the name of the sender and addressee, the date the message was sent, and the sender's signature. In general, this information is in a friendly tone and not in a harsh formal form, and the style used is from a third direction, because it creates an appropriate distance between the sender and the addressee, instead of using “I” and “you,” which makes the message seem like a normal conversation between two people. . In the end, the introduction to the letter included important, friendly, and appropriate information that paves the way for the letter to be read appropriately.

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