Its function is to control the activities of most of the cell nucleus, plasma membrane vacuole

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed7 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Its function is to control the activities of most of the cell nucleus, plasma membrane vacuole

The answer is: Nucleus 

The cell membrane is one of the basic parts of living cells and has many vital functions. Among the most important of these functions is the control of the cell membrane over the normal activities of the cell, as it greatly controls the activities of protein formation, arrangement, and packaging, as well as the filtering of harmful substances remaining in the cell. In addition, the cell membrane determines the size and shape of the cell and protects it from harmful external factors. It also helps give cells flexibility that helps them move and adapt. Therefore, the cell membrane plays a vital role necessary to maintain stability and proper growth of the cell, and is one of the basic fundamentals in the life process of living organisms.

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