Ripple pits are created at

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed14 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Ripple pits are created at

The answer is:  divergent boundaries.

Real data indicate that rifts originate at plate boundaries, where movement and collision occur between them. Among the well-known fault craters on the planet, Ripple craters, which are formed when the shape of the Earth changes in an area. These craters can appear in different places, such as deserts or mountainous regions, and are characterized by different layers of rocks and sediments. Ripple pits are created in an efficient manner, which can sometimes form a large system of overlapping rifts. These pits can form beautiful and attractive scenery for the eye, and they can be used for tourism and scientific purposes. Therefore, everyone should enjoy the beauty of these craters, explore and see everything that can be offered about this wonderful phenomenon.

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