A group of members working together to perform a specific function is called a function

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed14 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

A group of members working together to perform a specific function is called a function

The answer is: vital organ.

When a number of organs in the human body combine to perform a specific function, they are usually called a “vital system.” For example, the human heart is an active organ in the vital system. But what exactly is a vital organ? It is simply a group of organs that cooperate together to perform a specific and important function within the human body. This device can be described as a wonderful cooperation between the human body's systems, and despite the variety of different tasks it performs, it always works in a balanced and harmonious manner, to complete the job successfully. From this standpoint, it is permissible to say that every part of the vital system has an important role and cannot be dispensed with.

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