My experience with my son’s teething and what is a teething vitamin?

mohamed elsharkawy
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mohamed elsharkawyProofreader: Do it beautifulSeptember 26, 2023Last update: 8 months ago

My experience with my son's teething

The mother depicted her difficult experience with her son's teething and pointed out some common symptoms that children suffer from during the teething period. The teething period begins when teeth begin to appear in the child's mouth and continues until all teeth emerge, including the canines.

Among the symptoms the mother experienced were excessive drooling and excessive drooling. She also noticed that her son was suffering from anorexia and did not want to eat. Some cases of diarrhea in the child also occurred. These symptoms are normal and common during teething.

As for the duration of the teething period, it varies from one child to another. While some babies' teeth may begin to appear at 6 months, for others it may take longer. Generally, the teething period is completed around the age of 3 years.

During her experience, the mother found it very difficult to deal with her son’s teething period, as there was swelling of the gums and a severe loss of appetite. These symptoms are treated by using a wet pad to relieve the discomfort caused by teething saliva.

Although some experts do not believe that teething directly causes these symptoms, the mother may want to treat these symptoms to relieve the resulting stress. Babies often become extremely tired and psychologically affected by the pain and discomfort that accompanies the teething period.

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How do I help my son teething?

During the child's development stage, parents face difficult times when their child begins to have his first teeth. The child can become irritated and in pain, causing unpleasant symptoms. But there is no need to worry, as parents can help the child in this critical stage and make it easier and more peace of mind.

One of the ways parents can help their teething babies is by providing pain relief aids. You can use a cold spoon to gently massage the gums or place a teething ring in the refrigerator for a while before giving it to the baby. These tools relieve pain and help the child reduce his desire to bite on things around him.

In addition, mothers may notice that the baby produces a greater amount of saliva during the teething stage. This is considered normal, but some help can be provided by providing cold clothes or towels for the child to chew and help relieve the pain. You can also use refrigerated foods or moisten a cloth with water and freeze it to use as the child needs.

Moreover, some dental hygiene is recommended for the child from the appearance of the first tooth. Parents should gently clean the tooth using a soft cloth or a children's toothbrush with soft bristles. As more teeth appear, a special children's toothpaste can be used to clean teeth after meals.

Monitoring teething symptoms and providing appropriate care for the child are the best ways to help the child at this critical stage. Therefore, parents should stay in touch with their child's dentist to get necessary advice about taking care of their child's teeth during the teething stage.

Parents must remember that teething is a temporary stage in a child's life, and that the symptoms resulting from it will fade over time. Parents can make this stage easier by providing the necessary care and attention to their child and providing the necessary tools to relieve pain and calm the child.

How many days does the teething heat last?

The phenomenon of teething raises many questions among parents, including how long the child’s temperature will continue to rise during this stage. Teething is a natural process that most babies experience, and it may be accompanied by some unpleasant symptoms, such as a high temperature.

According to online data, a rise in body temperature usually occurs for about a week during teething, but it can be less than that. This period can be divided into several days before teeth appear and after them. When symptoms associated with teething occur, such as fever, how many days may these symptoms last? What are the most prominent signs of teething in children? How can you help your child overcome this period? When should you consult a doctor?

In general, teething symptoms begin about four days before teeth appear and continue for up to three days after they appear. In some cases, the appearance of teeth may be accompanied by a rise in the child's temperature, which can last for up to eight days. However, experts do not believe that teething causes symptoms for all babies.

The teething process usually begins in babies at the age of three months and continues until one year. When baby teeth appear, they appear sequentially and are usually in pairs. In addition to the child's high temperature, the appearance of teeth may be accompanied by other symptoms such as irritability, hypersalivation, and diarrhea.

So that parents can help their child get through this difficult period, they can try some relaxing procedures for the child, such as gently massaging the gums using a clean finger or a soft cloth, or giving children things they can chew safely, such as cold clay or toys designated for this stage. Specialized ointments can also be used to relieve pain and irritation on the gums.

If symptoms persist or become abnormally severe, or if the child has a temperature exceeding 38 degrees Celsius, it may be best to consult a doctor. There may be other causes of high temperature that need evaluation and treatment by medical experts.

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Is teething painful?

Teething pain is a common problem that children experience while their baby teeth are growing. Teething pain causes discomfort and crying for the child, as the gums surrounding the new teeth swell and become painful. This pain usually begins at the age of 4 months.

To relieve teething pain, parents can do some simple measures. It is recommended to gently massage the painful parts of the child's gums with a clean finger, making sure to wash your hands well before doing so. Teething items can also be placed in the baby's mouth and allowed to bite on them, which helps relieve pain. Saliva secretion should also be encouraged, as the secretion of large amounts of saliva soothes the gums and relieves pain.

Teething pain appears differently in babies. Teething may be a very painful experience for some babies, while others get through it easily. This happens because primary tooth buds form in the jawbone before birth, and as the tooth begins to grow, the gums become red and swollen in preparation for the tooth to emerge, causing pain.

The initial symptoms may precede the appearance of teeth by a month or two, and these symptoms usually include excessive saliva and nervousness. Some gum problems may also occur during the teething period, such as swelling, puffiness, and the appearance of some ulcers. If these problems occur, it is recommended to go to the doctor immediately to obtain appropriate treatment.

What is the difference between teething heat and inflammatory heat?

Teething temperature:

During the teething stage, the baby's teeth begin to emerge through the gums. This process can be accompanied by some different symptoms, and although parents may feel that the child feels a little warm, his body temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees Celsius.

In other words, the teething temperature is often mild and does not rise much above the child's normal condition. Therefore, when the body temperature level is measured with a thermometer, it should only cause concern when the temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius.

Heat of inflammation:

On the other hand, an excessive rise in the child’s temperature is not a symptom of teething, but rather a symptom of inflammation. When a child's temperature rises significantly and exceeds 38 degrees Celsius, this may be an indication that he has inflammation or infection. Common examples of infections accompanied by an increase in body temperature include arthritis, ear infections, and sore throat.

It is important to highlight the importance of distinguishing between teething fever and inflammatory fever. When a child's temperature rises significantly and exceeds 38 degrees Celsius, parents must take the matter seriously and consult a specialist doctor.

Teething heat does not lead to serious health complications, while inflammation may be accompanied by more serious health problems. Therefore, it is necessary for parents to monitor their children's temperature and distinguish between the temperature resulting from teething and that associated with infections.

My experience with my son's teething - Egy Press

What is a teething vitamin?

Nutrients play the essential role in promoting dental health during the teething stage in children. Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 are two of these important nutrients. Vitamin C helps promote gum health, while Vitamin B12 is linked to preventing calcium deficiency in the body and contributing to the first stage of teething.

According to nutritional expert Saad, among the important foods that should be included in the child’s diet during this stage are: boiled potatoes, vegetable soup, and potatoes. In addition, you must be careful to take nutritional supplements to compensate for vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D plays an important role in strengthening and growing teeth, as it helps absorb calcium and is considered necessary for tooth growth during the teething stage. To enhance the presence of vitamin D in the child’s body, it is recommended to expose him to sunlight at sunrise and sunset times. As it contributes to converting fats into vitamin D in the skin.

The baby's gums can also be massaged using a clean finger or damp gauze. This process provides additional benefits for the health of the gums and teeth.

Experts confirm that the teething vitamin promotes healthy bone growth and contributes to the prevention of rickets and osteomalacia. It also works to strengthen teeth and promote their growth, especially during the teething period.

A table showing the importance of vitamins in promoting dental health during the teething stage

vitaminthe benefits
جPromote gum health
BXNUMXPreventing calcium deficiency
دStrengthening the teeth

Does vitamin D help with the appearance of teeth?

Vitamin D is a vitamin that plays an important role in promoting dental health and supporting their growth. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which is the essential element that strengthens teeth and contributes to their growth.

Vitamin D also contributes to improving the function of the immune system, which protects the teeth, gums and mouth from diseases and infections. Therefore, vitamin D plays an indirect role in supporting tooth growth and maintaining their health.

Light exposure to the sun can also be a useful solution to boost vitamin D production. However, available solutions may be limited, especially when it comes to young children who are unable to go out into direct sunlight.

It is best to consult a doctor before taking any type of nutritional supplement, including vitamin D, especially when it comes to children. Doctors can guide parents on how to provide vitamin D to children daily, according to their individual needs.

In general, doctors advise that young children should be exposed to the sun at sunrise and sunset to increase the production of vitamin D in their bodies. Also, for better effect, vitamin D supplementation for children can be done under the supervision of doctors.

How to speed up the appearance of your child's teeth?

The appearance of teeth in children is an important and exciting stage in their development. Parents feel joy and interest in watching their child's teeth grow. But sometimes, teething can be a long and confusing task for parents. So, many mothers and fathers wonder how to speed up the appearance of their children's teeth. To answer this question, scientific studies have provided some useful advice.

Caring for your child's teeth begins when the first tooth appears. It is recommended to brush teeth at least once a day using a child-friendly toothbrush. Although the child's mouth is full of saliva that helps the teeth emerge, it is necessary to start brushing the teeth as soon as they appear to keep them clean and healthy.

The rate at which each child's teeth grow is different, and this may cause some children's teeth to appear faster than others. However, baby teeth follow a specific pattern in their appearance in most children. The first teeth usually begin to appear between four and 15 months, and then the rest of the teeth follow suit.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in speeding up the appearance of your child's teeth. Therefore, it is recommended to expose the child for some time to sunlight in the morning to enhance the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Food rich in calcium, such as milk and milk products, and eggs, should also be provided to the child. In case of doubt or concern, it is recommended to conduct the necessary tests to ensure that there is no calcium or vitamin D deficiency in the child.

Does the eruption of teeth in children delay walking?

There are some people who wish their children could walk before their teeth appear. However, we should avoid confusing teething with walking in babies.

Walking is primarily about muscle strength and development to allow the child to perform various movements. It has nothing to do with teeth. Although some children may start walking before their teeth appear, this does not mean that there is a direct relationship between teeth and walking.

Even when a child takes longer to emerge or does not show teeth at all at a certain age, this does not necessarily mean delayed walking. If a baby reaches 15 months of age without teeth appearing, this can be considered delayed teething. If the delay continues for more than 18 months, it is best to consult a pediatrician to evaluate the situation.

Delayed teething may sometimes result from malnutrition, as providing adequate nutrition for tooth growth and development plays an important role. Therefore, the mother should take care to provide her child with healthy and balanced food from the beginning to ensure good development of teeth and bones.

We can say that there is no direct relationship between tooth eruption and delayed walking in children. The most important thing is the child's muscle development and general health. Of course, the time when teeth appear and start walking may vary from one child to another.

Does vitamin D relieve teething pain?

Scientific research indicates that vitamin D plays an important role in dental health and may relieve teething pain in children. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are essential components for healthy tooth and bone growth.

Mothers sometimes face difficulty in dealing with teething pain in their children, and vitamin D may be the ideal solution to relieve their pain and facilitate the teething process.

According to experts, giving a child vitamin D at a dose of 400 units daily is beneficial for dental health and to relieve teething pain. The child can be given this dose by taking drops containing vitamin D in the amount of 4 drops in the mouth.

In addition, it is recommended to expose the child to early morning sunlight before 10 am. The sun helps the child’s body produce vitamin D naturally, which contributes to better teeth appearance and teething.

Furthermore, it is recommended to apply a soothing gel to the gums to relieve itching and irritation, and a cooling rubber teether can also be used to reduce pain in the child.

It is worth noting that there are no scientific studies indicating direct harm to the teeth as a result of giving children vitamin D drops. However, a doctor must be consulted before any child takes any nutritional supplements, including vitamin D.

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