My daughter fell on her head. Is it permissible for a child to sleep after falling?

mohamed elsharkawy
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mohamed elsharkawyProofreader: NancySeptember 26, 2023Last update: 8 months ago

My daughter fell on her head

The woman's one-year-old daughter fell on the front of her head while playing on the bike. Immediately after the fall, a slight swelling appeared in the affected area. In addition, the child fell asleep a few minutes after the incident, even though she had been sleepy before the fall. The mother wondered how sleeping after a fall would affect her daughter's overall health and safety.

We must note that a child falling on his head is not a simple matter, especially if the fall was strong. It is also important to monitor symptoms after the incident. If the child is in this condition, suffering from bloating and vomiting, it is necessary to seek health care services immediately.

According to Dr. Mohamed Abdel Fattah, a pediatric and neonatology specialist, we should not ignore any shocks and collisions in the baby’s head. If any of the following symptoms occur, parents should approach the pediatric emergency unit immediately: continued severe vomiting, a defect in the child’s behavior, movement, or balance, and a clear deviation in the child’s path.

When is a child falling on his head dangerous? - My grape

How long should a child be monitored after a fall?

When a child falls, he must be carefully monitored to ensure his safety. It is recommended that the child be monitored for at least 24 hours after a fall. If any signs of danger or signs of increased intracranial or cranial tension appear, the child must be treated immediately.

During monitoring, some things should be checked to ensure the child's safety. The baby should breathe normally, be able to recognize his parents, and wake up easily. If not, you should consult a doctor.

It is important for parents to monitor the child during the days following a fall, as any changes in his condition could indicate a brain hemorrhage.

When a child falls on his head, parents should pay close attention. The mother should monitor the child and check his body after a fall. Parents should also watch out for any wobbly walking in children after a fall or collision, as this means the child may not be able to walk straight.

You should avoid leaving the baby on a high surface unattended, even if only for a moment, such as placing him on a changing mat placed on top of a dresser or bed, etc.

In general, it is recommended that when a child has a head injury, he or she should be monitored for at least 24 hours. If any of the following symptoms appear, the child should be monitored at home after a head injury: Persistent headache or complications of head injuries. The child may need to be carefully monitored for a few days.

Make sure to wear your seat belt and car seat at all times, even for simple steps. The child should remain in a quiet, peaceful place, and hold his head up while ice wrapped in a cloth is placed on the area where he fell.

When is a head injury serious in children?

Head injury is one of the most common accidents that happen to children. Although most of these injuries are not serious and heal quickly, there are cases that may be disturbing and require immediate medical care.

If you notice any signs or symptoms of a head injury in your child after an accident, this may be an indication of a concussion. Among the symptoms that may be observed are swelling of the scalp, persistent or worsening headache attacks, balance disturbance, and vomiting, in addition to slowness in thinking, understanding, responding, and the child’s return to playing.

You should go to the doctor and confirm whether medical care is needed. It is known that the common causes of head injuries in children are falls and traffic accidents, whether the child is in a car, walking, or riding a bicycle or scooter. When a child falls, the impact their head receives is rarely more serious than a concussion. However, when this trauma is severe, the injury can be serious and result from a direct blow to the skull.

When a child suffers a head injury, symptoms can range greatly depending on the severity and location of the injury. The most prominent of these signs is swelling in the scalp. It is common and most head injuries in children are not serious and pass without lasting effects.

However, serious head injuries may occur, especially after falls or car accidents. Therefore, parents should pay attention to any signs indicating a serious injury and seek medical care immediately if needed.

Is it preferable to sleep after the child falls on his head?

Medical studies have addressed the issue of sleep after a child falls on his head, and the results have been encouraging. Mostly, there is no harm in a child's sleep after a fall, and a nap after a sudden fall can be normal. Young babies may feel sleepy after a hit to the head, especially if they cry a lot or it's close to nap time. So, it is okay to let the baby sleep in these cases.

Some doctors have confirmed that a child falling asleep after falling on his head is mostly normal as long as the fall was not severe. Children sleep because they feel dizzy and exhausted as a result of falling. However, if the child suddenly falls asleep after falling, it is recommended to wake him up every two to three hours to ensure his safety.

When a child falls on his head and falls asleep, do not worry about the result. There may be a group of symptoms after mild head trauma, and doctors may advise the injured person to get some rest and sleep afterward. Rest may also be recommended for the child after a fall, as rest is the best treatment after an injury.

Experts point out that there is nothing wrong with a child falling asleep after falling on his head, as long as the fall is minor, such as falling while practicing walking, or if his head hits something such as a closet door or window. So, you can let your baby sleep in such cases.

However, some organizations recommend that if a baby has a head injury, waking him every hour or two during the first night to make sure he is okay. This comes with the aim of monitoring his condition and ensuring that there are no symptoms that require attention.

In general, there is no need to worry if your child falls asleep after falling on his head, as sleep can be useful for regaining his strength. However, if there are any abnormal signs such as repeated vomiting, confusion, headache, or change in consciousness, a doctor should be consulted immediately to evaluate the condition.

A child falls on his head - topic

Is shaking after falling on the head harmful to children?

If the child vomits after impaction, it is usually harmless, unless the vomiting has been going on for 6 to 24 hours without interruption. If vomiting continues for this period, this may be an indication of danger. A doctor should also be consulted urgently if a child falls on his head, especially if there is a loss of consciousness after the fall, as there can be serious consequences.

When some people fall and hit their head on the ground or any solid object, they may experience bouts of vomiting. Trembling often occurs after a baby falls on the head. If vomiting occurs only once or twice and the child is normal, there is no risk of the problem. However, if vomiting is frequent, this may indicate health problems such as loss of balance and sensitivity to light and noise.

A child vomits after falling spontaneously due to the fear and stress that vomiting causes him. Among the serious signs that you should pay attention to are vomiting, persistent drowsiness, or a feeling of dizziness. These signs may indicate that the child has suffered a concussion or internal bleeding.

If a child experiences persistent vomiting within the first 24 hours of a fall, this may be a sign of an internal brain injury. Drowsiness is another sign of a brain injury, as the child is awake but finds it difficult to stay active and may fall into a sleep state.

When there is a skull injury, medical care should be sought immediately if a child develops any of the following symptoms after a head injury: Behavioral changes, such as agitation, confusion, or seizures. Necessary measures should be taken and a doctor should be consulted in such cases.

Is it permissible for a child to sleep after a fall?

Some doctors have confirmed that a child falling asleep after falling on his head is considered normal in most cases, as long as the fall was not strong. Therefore, it is preferable for the child to sleep after a fall, as children feel dizzy and exhausted as a result of the fall.

However, if the child suddenly falls asleep after falling, the mother must make sure he is positioned correctly. The truth is that there is no problem letting a child sleep after a fall, especially if the fall was not hard on a solid object.

Experts recommend that it is okay for a child to sleep after falling and injuring his head, provided that the fall is minor, such as falling while practicing walking or colliding with something such as a closet door or window.

Young children may feel sleepy after a blow to the head, especially if they cry a lot or it's close to nap time. Therefore, there is no harm in letting the baby sleep in these cases.

Please be careful and do not fall into wrong ideas, as studies indicate that sleeping after a fall does not harm the child. On the contrary, sleep may help calm the child and relieve pain.

It is preferable to keep the child awake for at least one to two hours after the collision, to monitor the development of drowsiness. After that, the child is allowed to sleep, as it will not harm him to sleep after that.

Naps should be avoided if possible in the afternoon, especially in the first 24 hours after a fall, and activities with a high connection to television or screen games should be avoided.

When is falling on the head dangerous?

When falling on the head, it can be dangerous in some cases. If a child falls on his head, a doctor must be consulted immediately. This fall may have serious consequences, especially if the child loses consciousness.

Bleeding is one of the injuries that requires immediate consultation with a doctor. It is uncontrolled bleeding that occurs when the bones of the skull are broken. In addition, contusion is another type of serious brain injury, where brain tissue is bruised.

The effects of these injuries are usually temporary, but can include problems such as headaches and difficulty concentrating, memory, and balance. Therefore, the presence of head injuries is of particular concern. Common causes of head injuries include falls, car accidents, assaults, and accidents that occur during sports. Sometimes, the above signs are the result of a mild stroke.

Wearing a helmet should not be taken lightly when riding a bicycle, scooter or skateboarding. Falling in such cases can be very dangerous, especially if the person is not wearing a protective helmet.

After a head blow, if a person feels the following symptoms after several hours or days, he or she should go to the doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms include persistent headaches, abnormal behavior, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating.

There may also be bleeding in the forehead and scalp, often under the skin in those areas that cause the injuries. When the bleeding is in only one area, it can cause bruising.

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects brain function. Therefore, falls on the head must be treated seriously and the necessary medical examinations performed to diagnose the injury and determine appropriate treatment.

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Does head trauma affect the child?

Children are most vulnerable to injuries, and trauma to the head may cause serious medical problems, especially if the skull is directly hit. However, children who vomit after a head injury do not necessarily have a serious brain injury, unless vomiting is repeated.

This may occur as a result of the head being hit by objects while playing or by the child falling from a small or large height. The injury may be accompanied by clear signs and symptoms, such as swelling of the head or the presence of wounds. Temporary loss of consciousness or memory spikes may also occur in the child. You may also notice persistent bleeding, especially from the nose.

It should be noted that every case of trauma that occurs to the skull, whether mild or severe, is considered a head injury. The blow does not need to be strong enough to have a long-term effect on the child.

Head injury is among the common injuries suffered by both children and adults. Fortunately, most cases are mild and disappear without major problems. However, there are some conditions that can cause long-term damage to the brain or surrounding blood vessels.

Sports-related head injuries that require a direct blow to the head, face or body often heal completely, and it may take some time for a person to return to normal activity without any problems.

1.Place barriers and safety barriers at home to avoid the child falling and colliding with hard surfaces.
2.Use appropriate personal protective equipment, such as a helmet, when playing sports or cycling.
3.Direct children to safe places to play, away from crowded roads or places where solid objects are.
4.Being near children while engaging in extreme activities that increase the risk of falling.
5.Educating children about the importance of safety and not to play with sharp tools that may lead to head injury.

Is vomiting after falling on the head dangerous?

Based on online data, vomiting after falling on the head suggests that there are some variables that need to be taken into account. If vomiting continues for 6 to 24 hours, this could indicate a serious problem. However, if vomiting occurs only once or twice and the child is in good health, there is no need to worry.

When vomiting occurs repeatedly after falling on the head, a CT scan of the brain must be performed to rule out bleeding or a skull fracture. If vomiting is persistent and accompanied by dizziness and an inability to balance, this indicates the presence of risk factors that may lead to a concussion. If a child falls on his head, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Due to possible negative effects, especially if you lose consciousness after a fall.

Vomiting and vomiting may occur immediately after a fall and are not harmful, especially if the child generally suffers from motion sickness. Vomiting can be triggered by fear and stress, and often goes away after a short time.

Minor brain injury may include common symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and a heavy head. Some children may experience mild confusion, nausea and vomiting, and mild irritability. However, we must remember that vomiting is not necessarily an indication of a serious infection, nor does it necessarily mean that a person will face death.

Whenever sudden signs such as rapid swelling in one area of ​​the head appear, it should be considered a warning sign of a head injury in children.

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