Whoever speaks in Arabic should…

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed20 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Whoever speaks in Arabic should…

The answer is: Memorizing vocabulary fluently

The Arabic speaker must know well that he represents the Arabic language and its culture, and for this reason he must determine the dialect in which he speaks according to the situation and the audience listening to him. If the speaker is presenting his content to the general public, he must use classical Arabic in dealing and speaking, because it is the official language in Arab countries and is considered the language of effective and civilized communication. As for the colloquial language, it must be used in the personal and family sphere, and we must not imitate this matter in the media or official bodies. It is also necessary to select appropriate vocabulary that is appropriate to the topic being talked about, while avoiding the use of offensive words that are outside the classical Arabic language.

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