Fossils are used to know the ages of the container rocks

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy6 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Fossils can be used to know the ages of the container rocks?

The answer is: right.

Paleontologists use fossils to find out the age of the rocks they contain. This is done by measuring radioactive isotopes in rocks that have decayed or faded and thus, matching rock layers in different locations by age. They can also determine the age of rocks in which fossils are found, such as petrified fossils and mineralization fossils. In addition, studying fossils helps understand life and forms of ancient organisms, and determine the ages of rock layers. Fossils are fossilized rocks, but they help determine the exact age of rocks, supporting scientific efforts to better understand the history of life and Earth.

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