The duration of love for a man.. Does distance increase love for a man?

man's love
NancyProofreader: Rana Ehab27 March 2022Last update: 9 months ago

man's love period, This may be shocking to many, but in reality there is indeed a certain period of love after which all those feelings disappear and turn into other things that differ from one person to another, and this article will give you many details regarding this topic, so let us read the following.

Duration of love for a man
Duration of love for a man

Duration of love for a man

One of the things that women are always deceived by is their belief that a man’s feelings may last forever, but in reality they relate to a certain period in males, then the feelings turn out to be something much stronger than love, or they start to shrink until they end completely and the relationship begins to collapse after that .

But a woman has a great ability to control a man's feelings, so whenever they start to diminish, she may be able to bring them back much better than before if she understands well how to deal with him and give him the basic needs that he desires, and she must also be careful, as she may increase the dose of attention that she gives him The matter does not work with the man and makes them withdraw from the relationship because they feel bored.

Duration of admiration for a man

Admiration for a man ranges from three to four months, then his fascination begins to disappear gradually and he becomes willing to withdraw from that relationship in any way, but if the period of admiration continues for more than that, this is a sign that his feelings are taking a serious path and he will later want to take an official path to complete His life next to the girl he loves without wasting any time.

Admiration is mostly due to a man's fascination with something in the woman in front of him, whether it is her appearance, her way of thinking, or some other things, and those feelings soon disappear when he begins to get used to her presence next to him, and it is better for women to try to understand the feelings of men when they feel attracted towards them so that they do not fall into Lots of bad things after that.

Where does love begin for a man and how does it end?

Love begins for a man when he finds something very strong that attracts him in the woman in front of him and he cannot resist it. Although it is common for men to be attracted to women's bodies first, there are many who may pay attention to their way of thinking or the sound of their distinctive laughter, and those feelings are not real. At all, it may end shortly after their acquaintance, or it may continue to be a great love that pleases all parties.

A man's feelings end when his relationship with his beloved prevails in a routine situation and his inability to bear it, and he resorts to getting out of it in any way, so when a woman's interest and appreciation for the man with her decreases, he begins to gradually withdraw from that relationship without even realizing it, and usually this happens when he is accompanied by many problems. Without finding appropriate solutions to it, with a lot of neglect without confrontation, the situation is getting worse.

Stages of love in a man

physical attraction

All men are attracted to women's bodies at the beginning, but what makes the matter develop for him is that he finds something very special in the woman in front of him that is not present in many women, and this makes him very attached to her and wants to get close to her as much as possible, and then the man begins his attempts To draw her attention towards him so that he can get what he wants from her and have her heart.

The early dating and befriending phase

This stage enables the two parties to get to know each other well and get closer to each other more than before, as each person begins to list his faults and advantages in front of the other, and here they may be able to agree well or realize the large size of the gap that prevails in their relationship and they move away immediately, and the man at that stage is under The effect of the hormone secreted by his body and he is hasty in his steps without calculating them well.

Tell everyone about his beloved

At that stage, the man has reached the highest stages of love and has gone very deep into that relationship, as it began to control his thinking greatly, and this appears in all his actions, and those around him begin to notice his change, and here he feels a great desire that he cannot control to tell everyone about that sweetheart who His being transformed and he begins to receive blessings and congratulations from those around him.

stage of recognition of love

There is no specific time in which this matter takes place, as it is relative and differs greatly from one person to another, as it is an automatic behavior that is recognized automatically and without any prior planning. With enough courage to enable him to do so, and this requires him to do so for a very long time.

The attachment stage and the continuation of the relationship

At that stage, each party has expressed his feelings to the other, and the relationship begins during that period to take another curve, and each party begins during that period to show his appreciation and respect for the other party and to go through crises and difficulties hand in hand, and the warm and romantic feelings are what overcome the relationship in that period. Each of the parties is aware of the intention of the other towards him and knows how the relationship will proceed during the coming period, whether it is in the long or short term.

A man's way of expressing himself while going through the stages of love

  1. At that stage, the man sees his beloved as having a lot of advantages, and he talks about her in a very good way in front of others, showing her virtues, exalting her status, and highlighting her great place in his heart.
  2. His attempt to maintain the mutual trust between them and not to sabotage it so as not to suffer the loss of his beloved, and what helps him in that is his intense love for her, which makes him unable to see any other women next to her, as she fills his heart and mind.
  3. He made her feel safe all the time next to him and protected her from any danger that might befall her, and he also provides all kinds of support that she needs when she is exposed to a crisis in her life.
  4. Not to make her sad at all, and to try to please her immediately when there is any disagreement between them in order to make her comfortable with the idea of ​​continuing her life next to him and not to make her feel stressed.
  5. Demonstrating his ability to take great responsibility and lead the relationship well in order to make it feel safe.

When does a man weaken in love?

  • A man in love is greatly weakened if his beloved supports him a lot in his difficult times and does not abandon him at all, and this matter magnifies her position in his heart and makes him unable to abandon her at all.
  • Women's tears have a great factor in men's feeling of extreme weakness towards them, especially if it is a woman he loves greatly, even if he is the culprit in that case, he immediately reconciles with her.
  • A woman's feeling of fear in front of the man who loves her makes him feel very weak and a great desire to contain her and join her to him so that these feelings do not control her any more.
  • When the woman you love gives you a great deal of attention and love and makes you happy in your life, you become weak towards her and you cannot resist her or make her sad at all.

Stages of love for a man

  1. Stable and calm feelings: In this case, the man is fully aware of the truth of his feelings towards the woman in front of him, and is confident in his desire to continue his life next to her.
  2. Persistent thoughts: He gets obsessed with thinking about the woman he loves, so he always finds himself thinking about how to please her and surprise her with something that she loves, and she becomes in control of his thinking in all situations.
  3. Feeling anxious and afraid: A man always finds himself afraid of losing the woman he loves or of being subjected to any harm, and that is why he does not allow the differences to prolong between them and does not stay away from her for a long time.
  4. Abandon all for the beloved: If a man had many women in his life and fell in love and his beloved rejected that idea, then he would abandon everyone in order to please her immediately and without hesitation.
  5. اFor excessive jealousy and possessiveness: The man becomes unable to bear the idea of ​​her being near other men or dealing with them under any name and of course leaving her private space for her without restricting her so that she does not feel disturbed.
  6. Perception of perfection: He doesn't feel like he's enough all the time and always wants to do more to impress her and give her more attention.
  7. The constant desire to see her and not part with her: His happiest moments in life are when he arranges to meet her, and the saddest is when he lets her go home.

How long is true love

True love only lasts a maximum of three years, but it may turn into higher, more continuous and lasting feelings, and the exact opposite may happen and things turn in a very bad way, and if the two parties want to complete their lives together, they must renew the feelings of love between them every once in a while and do things that strengthen their relationship. So that it does not end and both of them are very sad.

The way a man thinks about love

  • He desires to see the woman he loves in all her states and accepts her in any situation.
  • The simplest things you do are always the most impressive to him.
  • He would like his time with her to never end.
  • He loves to take her opinion on many things in his life and loves to see her speak in front of him.
  • He always wants to win her approval even if it is at the expense of his own comfort.

Signs of love in a man

  1. He starts to care a lot about himself.
  2. He can accept you in any situation.
  3. He appreciates you a lot and devotes some time to you in his day.
  4. Provides support for any problem you may encounter.
  5. He will be himself in front of you and not pretend at all.

Signs of a man withdrawing from love

  • Deliberately causing trouble without any logical reasons.
  • He avoids looking for solutions to the things that bother you and just bypasses them.
  • He always belittles you and tells you to improve your situation.
  • Not supporting you in times of crisis.
  • Pretending and lying for not meeting you.
  • Spend more time with his friends.

What is love in men

Love in men is when he can find a woman who has many things that always fascinate him and make him feel distinguished from the many around her, and in that case he begins to take great care of her and give her a lot of appreciation and respect in the relationship and in front of others.

The beginning of love in a man

The beginning of love for a man is in his automatic smile when you appear in one of the places where he is, and his inability to remove his gaze from you at all, and to fabricate arguments in order to open topics with you to take an opportunity to infiltrate your heart.

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