Degrees of love for a man, and what is the man's way of expressing himself while going through the stages of love?

Nora Hashem
man's love
Nora HashemProofreader: Radwa Mounir14 April 2022Last update: 8 months ago

degrees of love in men, Love is a human emotion that binds two people to each other, and between them there is attraction, harmony, attachment, and then agreement, and it is a relationship that every person needs in search of happiness, stability, psychological security, and the formation of a happy family, and then a family, and then friends, so it is not required that love be only romantic love, but there are many types and degrees We will discuss them in detail in the next article.

Degrees of love for a man
Degrees of love among the Arabs

Degrees of love for a man

Love is a sentimental emotion upon which a person is created, emanating from the heart and mind together. It is an enjoyable and sublime experience that deserves to be experienced, as it carries beautiful feelings such as benevolence, safety and happiness.

There are degrees of love for a man, which can be identified as follows:

  • the like:  The first degree of love for a man, and it occurs when a woman catches his attention with her appearance and feminine beauty, and then arouses his interest to know more about her, which is what some call love at first sight.
  • Attachment and preoccupation: The second degree of love for a man feels very attracted to a woman and desires to get close to her because his thinking is related to her and his heart is preoccupied with her spectrum.
  • Adoring: Here attachment reaches the highest levels, and love becomes strong and intense, and there is a constant longing for women, and when a man reaches the point of love, he sees nothing but his beloved and does not admire another, no matter how beautiful she is.
  • Mania and madness: The extreme degree of love, which is the stage in which excessive attachment to the beloved reaches the point of madness and obsession, and the man's inability to imagine life without her, and the matter may develop to the point of love of possession and excessive fear of losing her.

Degrees of love among the Arabs

Love was of great importance to the Arabs, to the point that some of them said: “People are only lovers with passions, and there is no good in those who do not love and be adored.” Another said: “If you do not fall in love and do not know what passion is, then you are a shame in the wilderness.” Because love is so important, scholars have gone beyond explaining and analyzing the word “love,” so they began to trace its degrees, exhaustively explaining and clarifying them. Among them is Ibn al-Qayyim, who discussed love, its levels, and names in many of his books, the most important of which are “The Garden of Lovers” and “Nuzhat al-Mushtaqeen.”

And because the Arabs are known for their appreciation of love and dealing with it in their poems, describing its feelings and expressing it, as they were proficient in classifying it and talking about it, they touched on the degrees of love, but the Arabs differed in defining the degrees of love, some of them linked social relations in love, and classified its degrees into nine degrees, and others They adopted the Arabic language, and classified the degrees of love into fourteen degrees, which are as follows:

  1. Fancy: The first degree of love, which means the lover's inclination towards the beloved, has been mentioned in many love poems.
  2. Casting: The second degree of love, which is deeper than passion, as the matter here reaches mutual flirtation between the loving and the beloved.
  3. Passion: The word is derived from the heart's endocardium, meaning its membrane, and it is the third degree in love, and in it love stems from the depths of the heart.
  4. found: One of the evolving stages of love that refers to the constant thinking of the beloved and the inability to forget him.
  5. Melasma: It indicates the intensity of fondness for the beloved, and in which the heart and mind are both preoccupied with thinking about the beloved.
  6. Adoring: One of the most famous words in love, and it means deep and intense love that makes concessions and sacrifices and is unable to abandon the beloved, but it is mixed with lust, so it fears for its owner.
  7. Advice: It is a state that combines love, separation, distance, and feeling sad for not being able to reach the beloved.
  8. Longing: It is one of the advanced degrees of love among the Arabs, and the feeling of longing is achieved once the beloved is absent.
  9. pouring: Casting represents the feelings of pain and pain that afflict the lover and can make him sick.
  10. submissiveness: It is the lover's feeling of submission and humiliation due to his inability to refuse any command to the beloved because of his intense love for him, as if he was enchanted by him.
  11. Friendliness: This degree expresses the tender love and compatibility between the two lovers, and it is an important degree for the success of the marriage to achieve balance in the emotional relationship.
  12. Ten: It is a degree similar to friendliness in principle, but it needs a long period of time and is usually during the marriage period.
  13. wala: It is one of the advanced degrees of love among the Arabs and indicates that happiness is linked to the presence of the beloved and disappears in his absence.
  14. Wanderer: The highest and most important degree of love, and it is intended to reach the stage of the south with the beloved and the pure and sincere love for him.

Degrees of love when Ibn al-Qayyim

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim says in his book “Nuzhat al-Mushtaqeen” that the value of love is ten, which is:

  1. Relationship It is called a relationship because the lover's heart is attached to the beloved.
  2. Willingness: It is the inclination of the heart towards the Beloved and its request.
  3. Sabbath: It means the pouring of the heart into the beloved, so that its loving companion is not able to own it or control it, likening it to the pouring of water into the graves.
  4. Gram: It is the love inherent in the heart that does not leave it.
  5. Al-Wydad: The purity of love to the passion of the heart.
  6. Passion: The lover is passionate about the beloved, and his love reaches the passion of his heart for him.
  7. Love: It is excessive love and fears for its owner because it is accompanied by lust.
  8. Al-Tateem: meaning worship and humiliation.
  9. Worship: It is the degree of superiority of the orphan, and Ibn al-Qayyim said in Rawdat al-Muhibbeen: “As for worship, it is extremely humiliating.”
  10. Al-Khalah: It is the highest and greatest level of love that was unique to the two intimates, Ibrahim and Muhammad, may God bless them and grant them peace.

Forty degrees of love

There are forty names for love according to Eros, the god of love, desire and sex in Greek mythology, and they can be presented as follows:

  • The first ten names of love: relationship, passion, longing, nostalgia, wad, immersion, adoration, grief, love, loathing.
  • The second ten names of love: cost, passion, sha’af, sababah, lu’a, joy, suhd, rasis, hiyam, alarm.
  • The third ten names of love: Kmd, Insomnia, Tatim, Wajd, Shajn, Shaju, Dnf, Lahfa, Batal, Rasf.
  • The last and fourth ten names of love: fondness, pouring, absence, obliteration, madness, insanity, dangling, seasoning, endowment, and dams.

Degrees of love in Islam

Love in Islam has special indications, and it is the engine and motivation for human behavior and then the Islamic society, especially since love in Islam carries many praiseworthy meanings such as honesty, transparency, and honesty. Images of love in Islam also altruism and sacrifice for the sake of the other party.

One of the highest forms of love in Islam is God’s love for the servant and his pleasure with him, the servant’s love for God, the love of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, then the love of fathers, mothers, wife and children, and the love of a Muslim for his brother.

As for the degrees of love in Islam, we find three degrees, namely:

Highest degree of love:

It is represented in the love of God Almighty and the love of the Noble Messenger, the love of jihad in the way of God and the support of the Islamic religion, and it is one of the highest levels of love, its name and the best status. This is in order to raise the status of Islam.

The Muslim person, no matter how knowledgeable, wise, and rank he is, his ability remains limited and limited in managing his affairs, and that is because of his emotions, inclinations, and whims of the soul, and for this reason, God, the Messenger, and religion must be loved to avoid falling into sins and suspicions.

As for loving the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, following him, making him a good example, and complying with his orders, he protects a person from error and falling into disobedience and vice, just as we learn from the love of the Prophet also altruism.

Middle love degree:

The second degree of love in Islam is represented in the emotions that inhabit the heart and the feelings that settle in the human soul, and emanate from a person to other people of his sex because of the bonds that bind him to them, such as the bond of faith, the bond of kinship and lineage, and the bond of friendship, those bonds that help document love and affection. And mercy between any two parties.

Islam acknowledged those emotions and feelings, and even distinguished them with a high position after the love of God and the love of the Messenger, the jihad in the way of God, and the love of people for one another. ; If a member complains about it, the rest of the body responds to it with sleeplessness and fever.”

Hence, the importance of middle love and its positive impact on the individual and society appears, and this is why Islamic law urged the love of parents, the love of spouses, and the love of Muslims, and Islam worked to achieve this through specific methods such as the prohibition of a Muslim abandoning his Muslim brother for more than three days, as the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said Peace be upon him: “It is not permissible for a Muslim to abandon his brother for more than three nights.”

Minimum level of love:

It is the lowest degree of love and is represented in the love of tyrants and evil people and oppressors who returned to Islam and deliberately harmed the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and continued to commit atrocities and sins, submitting to the desires of the soul, subjugating after the pleasures of the world, and drifting after desires.

Among the lowest degrees of love is also giving priority to the love of money, wife and children over the love of God and His Messenger. It is obligatory for a Muslim to get rid of those harmful feelings and follow the orders and rulings of Islam that are mentioned in Islamic law.

Stages of a man's attachment

A man does not relate to a woman in one step and it is not that easy, but rather he goes through some stages that begin with the following:

  • The stage of falling in love: It is the first stage in which the feeling of different and positive sensations such as warmth begins as a result of the high level of some hormones in the body such as dopamine and estrogen.
  • Partnership in love and building trust: Here, the relationship begins to develop and take a deep form, in which the two parties get to know each other and common points are formed between them. They feel warmth, safety and mutual interest, and this partnership creates a state of happiness and trust between the two parties, and continuous communication and sharing of concerns.
  • Overcoming obstacles: The presence of obstacles is normal in any emotional relationship, the emotional relationship may collapse due to problems and obstacles, and it may succeed and continue due to love and the ability to overcome these obstacles and the adherence of both parties to each other.
  • Attachment to true and continuous love: At this stage, the two parties unite and come together to be a single force that seeks to face any problem in order to continue the relationship and preserve the love that unites them.

The highest level of love for a man

After we got acquainted with the degrees of love for a man, we find that the degree of infatuation is the highest degree of love for a man, but rather one of the most important, sublime, and sublime degrees of true love, as it reaches love to the point of madness, and it is reached after a long time of longing, friendliness, and companionship, to confirm the sincerity of love on both sides. In which the lover sacrifices his emotions and feelings for the sake of the beloved without any consideration, but he feels happy.

Many liken the degree of infatuation to the phase of the full moon, i.e. the completion of the feelings of love between the two parties and their defiance of all obstacles in order to come together and reach absolute happiness.

The three stages of love

After we talked about the degrees of love for men and Arabs, we must talk about the three stages of love in psychology, which are:

  • Lust stage: It is one of the stages in which hormones are concentrated and stimulated in the body of both men and women.
  • Attraction boiler: The stage of attraction comes to the lover only, that is, the lover is attracted to the beloved, thinks about him, and loves seeing him.
  • attachment stageIt comes after the attraction to the person, and with it begins the feeling of attachment to the lover and the ability to move away from him.

Types and degrees of love

In the following, we provide an explanation of the different types of love that came in psychology:

  • self love:

It is self-love, which has been linked at the present time to selfishness and narcissism, but the ancient Greeks, when they put this type of love, did not mean that, and it was not in this negative sense, but rather it was from the principle that in order to love others, you must love yourself first, and the view was to Positive self-love is defined as a kind of self-compassion.

  • Universe love:

The love of the universe is represented by the love of nature, which is known as unconditional spiritual love, or selfless altruistic love, and it is a rare type because few people know it and it differs between religions and cultures.

  • Family love:

Family love differs from other types of love because it is one-sided, especially with young children, and it can be defined as a kind of loyalty and affiliation arising from feelings of affection and intimacy and is not based on lust or sex.

  • friend's love:

Friendship is an important and necessary matter in the life of every human being. Aristotle said that friendship that is based on goodness is not linked to mutual benefit only, but rather is linked to trust and companionship, and the love of friendship is based on goodwill, and it is the love in which an individual feels belonging to his friend.

  • sexual love

Or emotional love, the type closest to romantic love, and this type of love is also called “enchantment” love, which is characterized by feelings of lust and physical passion, as it is the love that binds two people in an emotional and physical relationship that ends in marriage.

  • fleeting love

It can be called admiration, interest, or entertainment, and the feelings are insincere and do not last.

  • practical love

It is love based on reason, due love, or love based on mutual interests, which is the opposite of romantic love, and this type is still widespread, especially among prominent and important personalities in society.

A man's way of expressing himself while going through the stages of love

The way of expressing feelings in the stages of love differs from one man to another, but among the dominant behaviors are the following:

  • Respecting women, the feeling of attraction is not limited to the female outward appearance and beauty only, but rather admiration for her qualities and manners, respect for her opinions and ideas, and making her feel that she is important in his life and has a unique and special place, not just attraction and admiration.
  • Loyalty to women and a sense of belonging and loyalty to her, which helps him gain her trust and hold on to him.
  • Providing moral, emotional and psychological support, and the need to make her feel safe and reassured in his presence, so that she can continue the relationship and not feel afraid of abandonment or distance.
  • Leadership, women love a leader who is responsible for his actions and actions and who is able to resolve differences calmly and wisely.
  • Acknowledging the mistake and apologizing does not detract from the value of the man. Some men do not hesitate to say the word sorry, in order to maintain mutual respect in the relationship.

Stages of love in a man

A man goes through several stages since the beginning of the feeling of attraction to another party, which are called the stages of love for a man, and they include the following:

The stage of physical attraction:

Physical attraction is the key to the path of love. A man's attraction to a woman, interest in her affairs, and seeing her with a different eye with looks of admiration will push him to think about her more than what is reflected in his behavior and actions, and he becomes a nice person. The movements and language of his body express admiration for her, such as staring and eye contact. However, this stage may be silent or with just a hint, and no party reveals its feelings to the other.

Early Dating and Befriending Stage:

This stage paves the way for the two parties to get to know each other more, as dialogues begin to take place between them and they enjoy spending time together, they get to know their common hobbies, and their goals for the future, and after reaching harmony and compatibility between them, the stage of deepening the relationship begins, giving promises and direction to the next step or stage.

The stage of deep feeling and telling others about the beloved:

It is the stage in which the heart and mind are preoccupied with thinking to the point of obsession, and the man longs for his beloved because of the response to the nature of the neurohormones that drive the man to care and desire to see his beloved and spend the longest time with her, then he starts talking about her to others close to him and reveals to them his feelings towards her and how she was stolen His heart and mind.

The love confession stage:

It is the stage in which a man confesses some verification from the other party, sharing the same feelings and having the same interest and sense of harmony, but it is not possible to set a specific time frame for it, as it differs from the nature of one man to another. Some men confess love quickly and easily and disclose their feelings, and some of them take He takes a long time and does not have the courage to reveal, which is why he prefers to wait until he is sure of his partner's feelings.

The stage of attachment and stability of the relationship:

This stage represents the calm left by the storm after its demise, as it is the last stage of love for a man after he got to know his beloved and gained her trust in him, and they exchanged feelings and challenged obstacles, misunderstandings, or disagreements and emotional problems, and then they set a line for the course of the relationship and brought them together with the desire to complete the course of their lives. together and reach happiness, warmth and affection.

The most difficult stage of love for a man

Melasma, the most difficult stage in the stages of love for men among Arabs, because after the man and woman reach high levels of attachment, they find that the mind and heart are in a stage of exhaustion, confusion and distraction due to the constant thinking of the other.

Duration of love for a man

How long does love last for a man? This question is repeated and many women are interested in researching its answer, and we can look at the man’s cycle of love. The man, like the woman, has an age at which he reaches despair, and why his period is called a psychological menstrual cycle, which results from a change in the man’s hormones such as testosterone, which begins to decline. By reaching menopause, and in this period, studies have shown that men are in an irregular mood and turbulent feelings that may end love.

It is worth noting that psychology studies have proven that a man can fall in love in 8 seconds, and that love lasts for a man after marriage for up to 18 months only, after which love moves to friendship based on affection and respect.

When does a man realize that he fell in love?

XNUMX signs that a man has fallen in love

1. Constantly thinking about her: When a man realizes that he has fallen in love, he spends a lot of time thinking about the person he loves. He has a burning desire to know more about her life, her interests, and what makes her happy. He remembers the small details and seeks to make her happy with his attention and presence.

2. Absolute Priority: When a man is in love with someone, he makes that person his priority. He strives hard to keep her happy and give her the support and care she needs. He cares about her feelings and takes into account her needs. These actions indicate his respect and deep love for her.

3. Change in behavior: When a man falls in love, he often shows a change in his behavior. He becomes more caring, affectionate and gentle in his dealings with others. He seeks to communicate better and shows great concern for the feelings of the person he loves. He is tender and kind and does his best to make her feel happy and safe.

4. Sacrifice and Devotion: When a man is in love with someone, he is willing to sacrifice and devote himself to them. He wants to see his beloved person happy even if it means making concessions or giving up something. He seeks to make her life better and puts her needs before his own.

5. Nonverbal Signs: When a man is in love, he often shows nonverbal signs that he is in love. A man can ignore some things to emphasize his love, such as looking deeply into her eyes, hugging her, and getting close to her physically. These signs reflect deep love and care.

How does love begin?

How does love begin? 5 stages of falling in love

Adore and love are one of the beautiful feelings that a person can feel towards another person. It makes the heart rise with happiness and joy and gives life a deeper meaning. But how does love begin? What are the stages that a man goes through when he falls in love with someone? In this article, we will review 5 important stages with which the love story begins.

  1. Liking stage:
    This is the first stage in a man falling in love with someone. At this stage, admiration is superficial, as he enjoys the woman's personality, appearance, or way of thinking. The things that attract a man in a woman vary depending on his personal preferences. At this stage, the man tries to get closer to the woman and draw her attention through his actions, such as constantly looking at her or speaking to her directly, and he may sometimes give her simple gifts.
  2. Attraction stage:
    After the admiration becomes more serious, the man at this stage begins to attract the woman intensely. He seeks to learn about things that interest women and is interested in the things that attract her, such as her hobbies and interests. At this stage, the man tries to make the woman feel very impressed with him and share the same feelings with him.
  3. impression stage:
    At this stage, the man forms an impression of the woman and begins to know her preferences and things that annoy and delight her. The man tries to get closer to the woman to understand the way she thinks and deals with some issues and matters. At this stage, the man looks forward to sitting and talking with the woman on an ongoing basis to learn her opinions and to survey her reaction to some topics.
  4. Persuasion stage:
    Things get more serious during this stage, as the man realizes that the woman is starting to like him back. The man starts telling his friends and relatives about the woman's character and thinks about the things he should do to consolidate and deepen their relationship. At this stage, there is a great sense of emotional connection between the two people.
  5. Attachment and stability stage:
    This is the final stage in a man's falling in love, where the man confesses his true feelings to the woman and they settle down together. Love at this stage goes beyond mere admiration and attraction, and they both begin to develop a plan to continue and flourish in their relationship. The man tries to avoid problems and disagreements and build a stable and happy relationship with his partner until he reaches an official relationship.

How to be sure of a man's love for you?

If you are feeling in love and want to know how much a man loves you, you might be interested in knowing the signs he shows. It may be difficult for men to express their feelings in words, but most of the time they are able to express their feelings through actions. In this article, we will show you some signs that may indicate that a man loves you:

  1. Feeling happy and satisfied: A loving man feels happy and satisfied when he is next to you. You may notice that he smiles a lot and has a good mood around you.
  2. Romanticism in expressing love: A loving man may show romance in the way he expresses his love for you. He may give you gifts, write you love letters, or plan romantic surprises.
  3. Expression through body language: A loving man may show clear signs of love through his body language. They may give you long hugs, kiss you frequently, and try to be close to you when they are around you.
  4. Caring for, supporting, and participating in women Planning: If a man truly cares about you, he will show it by supporting you in your goals and visions. He may seek your participation in planning for the future and working to achieve your dreams.
  5. Sacrificing for the sake of his beloved: If a man is ready to make a sacrifice for you, this is one of the most prominent signs of his love for you. He may be willing to sacrifice something for you, whether it's offering help or giving up something important to him.
  6. Seeking happiness and joy for your beloved: If a man does everything in his power to make you happy, this indicates his great love for you. He may go the extra mile to see you smiling and happy, and try to protect you from harm and keep negative influences away from you.
  7. Showing frequent admiration: A man may be in love when he repeatedly tries to impress you and get your attention. He may perform spontaneous actions and attractive movements to attract your attention.
  8. Caring about you and your opinion: A loving man may show great interest in you and your opinions. He may listen carefully to what you say and clearly consider your opinion. He may reserve your opinions and care more about your words than anyone else.

Signs of hiding love in a man

Many men may want to hide their emotional feelings, whether they cannot express them clearly or for other reasons. It is important for a woman to recognize some of the signs that indicate that a man is hiding his love, so that she can understand and analyze the feelings of the one she loves or the one she is interested in entering into an emotional relationship with. In this article, we will review some common signs of a man hiding love.

  1. Excessive interest: A man may show excessive and unjustified interest in the woman he loves. This interest may appear in the issues of her daily life and in small details of her life. He tries his best to gain more knowledge about her and get closer to her.
  2. Long looks: Long looks can reveal a man’s inability to suppress his admiration for a woman. He may try to maintain eye contact with her and exchange frequent and prolonged glances, even at inappropriate times.
  3. Desire to talk: A man may constantly show a desire to talk to the woman he loves, even when he is busy at work. He may be ready to talk about any topic just to prolong the shared time and want the meeting not to end.
  4. Anxiety and jealousy: A man may show unjustified anxiety or jealousy over situations that occur with the woman he loves, whether they concern her or someone else. He may show his dissatisfaction when you talk about someone else or do things that attract the attention of others.
  5. Be careful about expressing love: A man may try to show his care about appearance and style with the woman he loves in various situations, with the aim of attracting her attention and taking care of her. He may try to get close to her by touching or accidentally, with the aim of proving his love for her.
  6. Caring about her feelings: A mysterious man may show great interest in a woman’s feelings, even feelings that are not directly related to him. He may seek to help her in matters that are not directly related to him, show her good qualities and try to prove that he will protect and support her in difficult situations.
  7. Postponing the confession of love: A man may show reluctance to confess his love to a woman, and he may leave the matter for a longer period than expected. This may be because he is shy or afraid of being rejected or being exposed to an embarrassing situation.

How does the heavy man express his love?

One of the most mysterious and attractive characters in the world of love is the man who expresses his feelings in different ways than others. The heavy man in love is characterized by secrecy and does not directly express his feelings, but at the same time he shows some signs and behaviors that indicate his deep affection and love for his partner.

In this list, we will show you some of the ways that the heavy man uses to express his love:

1. Special Attention: A man heavy in love shows special interest in the woman he loves. He makes sure that she is always in her best condition and seeks to make her happy and fulfill her desires. He may provide her with moral support and help in daily matters, thereby expressing his love and deep concern for her.

2. Deep conversations: Although he is secretive and does not express himself directly, he may talk to his partner about his thoughts and dreams in a deep and expressive way. He may prefer to talk about sophisticated and philosophical topics and talk about his ideas related to love and life. In doing so, he expresses his romantic vision of the relationship and his burning feelings towards his partner.

3. Permanent support: The heavy man in love is characterized by stability and steadfastness, as he seeks to provide continuous support to his partner in her life. He may be a source of strength and stability for her, always by her side in difficult times. In this way, he expresses his deep love and desire to be a part of her life permanently.

4. The romantic framework: We must not forget the romantic framework that a heavy man may use to express his love. In addition to words and actions, his love is also evident in the gifts he may give his partner, and the special surprises he prepares for her. He may take special measures to show appreciation and love to his partner on special occasions such as her birthday or anniversary.

5. Protecting the beloved: A man who is deeply in love may express his love and desire to protect his partner greatly. He may have a strong desire to secure her future and happiness, and he may use his resources and energies to ensure a good life for her. This behavior is demonstrated by the constant care and protection he provides to his partner.

What are the physical signs of love?

Love is a powerful feeling that sweeps through the heart and goes beyond words. When a man falls in love with a woman, it may show through his body language. Here are some physical signs that can reveal that a man is in love.

  1. eye language:
    The eyes are considered a window to the soul, and are considered a strong sign of feelings of love and admiration. If a man looks at you deeply and thoughtfully and draws a smile on his lips, this indicates that he is in love with you and wants to communicate with you.
  2. approaching the body:
    When a man falls in love with a woman, he always tries to approach her and communicate directly. He may tend to place his hand on her back or express his closeness through a close distance between them. This closeness reflects his desire to protect and care for you.
  3. the smile:
    Smiling is a universal language of joy and happiness, and when a man is in love, he tends to smile constantly when he sees his beloved person. If you notice that he constantly smiles while talking to you or when he sees you, this is a strong sign that he loves you.
  4. Stress and obsession:
    When a man falls in love with a woman, he may feel nervous and apprehensive when he is next to her, as he cares about appearing in his best form in front of her. This anxiety may be noticed through his hand movements, such as tapping his fingers or touching the facial area. These signs express his love and concern for you.
  5. Follow the conversation:
    When a man is in love, he does his best to follow your words and topics. You may notice that he quotes some of the phrases you use all the time and uses them in his speech. This fills you with a feeling of belonging and like-mindedness.
  6. Attention to appearance:
    When a man falls in love with a woman, he may care a lot about his appearance, pay special attention to how his hair is styled, and don't mind arranging his clothes before seeing you. This reflects his desire to look his best in front of you and pay attention to details to impress you.
  7. Jealousy:
    Jealousy is another sign that may indicate that a man is falling in love with a woman. If you notice that he feels jealous of the physical closeness between you and any other man, this reflects his strong interest in you and his desire to protect you from others.
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