Intermittent fasting experiments. Does intermittent fasting make the stomach lose weight?

mohamed elsharkawy
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mohamed elsharkawyProofreader: adminSeptember 20, 2023Last update: 4 months ago

intermittent fasting experiences

Experiments with intermittent fasting have yielded tangible results in improving health and losing weight. Experiments like Sarah Muhammad's have shown great benefits to the intermittent fasting system. Sarah says that she was able to lose 10 kilograms of weight without losing the paleness of her face or suffering from a vitamin deficiency. One of the easiest types of intermittent fasting is to stop eating from 7 pm to 7 am, and this has been proven to be effective, especially for beginners. Fasting for 16 hours is also a popular experiment that many have done to lose weight and improve their health. Indeed, intermittent fasting provides an opportunity for the body to over-burn fat and calories, and thus can cause effective and healthy weight loss. Intermittent fasting is definitely worth trying for anyone looking for a simple and effective way to get rid of excess weight and improve their health.

Celebrity experiences with the keto diet and intermittent fasting - Ya Hala website

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a popular method of fasting diets, where one or two main meals are skipped during the day when you are not hungry or too busy to eat. However, healthy food must be eaten in the remaining meals, which makes intermittent fasting not organized or planned.

Intermittent fasting benefits

  1. Improving overall health: Many researchers indicate that intermittent fasting can improve your overall health, due to its ability to reduce inflammation in the body and improve associated health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.
  2. Improving digestive system functions: Some believe that intermittent fasting can improve digestive system functions and enhance intestinal health. Overeating can overload the digestive system and cause digestive problems such as constipation and bloating. Therefore, intermittent fasting may be an effective tool to alleviate these problems and improve digestive function.
  3. Promote weight loss: Intermittent fasting is also an effective weight loss strategy. When fasting, the body relies on its fat stores for energy instead of food. This can reduce your overall calorie intake and thus contribute to weight loss.
  4. Increase fat burning: Intermittent fasting is known for its ability to increase fat burning in the body. When fasting, the metabolic system is stimulated to use fat as the main source of energy. This process can promote greater fat loss and help achieve a healthy, ideal weight.
  5. Improve insulin sensitivity: Some suggest that intermittent fasting can help improve insulin sensitivity, a hormone that plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels. When the body is more sensitive to insulin, it can use sugar more efficiently and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  6. Improving mental function: There is some research that suggests that intermittent fasting can improve mental performance, focus, and memory. Fasting improves brain health and enhances the healing processes that occur in the body.

Types of intermittent fasting

Some may wonder about the types of intermittent fasting and how they can be implemented.

  1. Intermittent fasting for 12 hours:
    • In this pattern, you fast for 12 consecutive hours a day.
    • Fasting could be from 7pm to 7am, for example.
    • Food can be eaten during the remainder of the day.
  2. Intermittent fasting system 16/8:
    • In this pattern, you fast for 16 consecutive hours and eat for 8 hours a day.
    • The fasting period could be from 10pm to 12pm, for example.
    • Food can be eaten during the remainder of the day.
  3. Fasting for 24 hours (eat - stop - eat):
    • In this pattern, one fasts for 24 consecutive hours, then eats for a second 24 hours, and so on.
    • The fasting period could be from 7pm until 7pm the next day, for example.
  4. Intermittent fasting system 5:2:
    • In this pattern, you fast for five days a week and eat normally for two days.
    • Intermittent fasting days in this pattern can be determined by personal preference.
  5. Skipping meals during the day:
    • This pattern consists of skipping meals during the day while maintaining long periods of fasting.
    • You can eat small amounts of healthy food during periods of fasting, or limit yourself to sugar-free liquids.

Harmful effects of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting may be a popular diet, but it may carry some potential harms. We will take a look at the most important harms of intermittent fasting and how to reduce them.

  1. Feeling tired and weak:
    A person may feel tired or weak at the beginning of intermittent fasting. The body may need some time to adapt to the calorie deficiency and the change in eating pattern.
  2. Acidity and gastroesophageal reflux:
    Reducing eating and providing long periods of fasting may lead to increased stomach acidity and esophageal reflux problems. People with these problems should consult a doctor before starting intermittent fasting.
  3. Effect on fertility in women:
    Some studies suggest that intermittent fasting may affect fertility in women. Women who are planning to become pregnant or have fertility problems should consult a doctor before starting this diet.

How to reduce the harms of intermittent fasting:

To reduce the effects of intermittent fasting, some of the following methods can be followed:

  1. doctor consultation:
    Before starting intermittent fasting, it is important to consult a doctor to ensure that it is suitable for your health condition and to know how to choose the appropriate fasting hours.
  2. Start slow:
    Intermittent fasting can be started by gradually reducing fasting hours. Instead of starting with a long period of fasting, you can start with a short period and increase it gradually until the desired goal is reached.
  3. Avoid nutritional deficiencies:
    It is important to ensure that you are consuming essential nutrients while eating. It is best to eat healthy meals rich in vitamins and minerals in the remaining few meals.
  4. Focus on hydration:
    While reducing eating intervals, a person must take care of drinking enough water. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day to maintain good hydration.

When should you consult a doctor before following intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting has become a popular diet that is increasingly popular among people seeking to lose weight and improve their health. However, you must take caution before starting this diet, and you may need to consult a doctor before starting intermittent fasting in some cases.

1. Having diabetes or a problem regulating blood sugar:
If you have diabetes or have difficulty regulating your blood sugar levels, intermittent fasting may affect your health. Before starting this diet, it is important to consult a doctor for guidance and advice tailored to your health condition.

2. Low blood pressure:
If you have low blood pressure, intermittent fasting may make your condition worse. You should consult a doctor to evaluate your condition and find out whether intermittent fasting is right for you.

3. Taking Medications:
If you are taking any particular medication, intermittent fasting may affect its effect. You should consult a doctor to confirm whether your medications are amenable to use with intermittent fasting and also to evaluate the potential impact of fasting on your health.

Intermittent fasting burns belly and reduces weight.. How do you apply it in a healthy way?

Intermittent fasting is a food regulation technique that involves alternating periods of fasting and eating. It can help burn fat, including belly fat, and reduce weight. To implement intermittent fasting in a healthy way, follow these tips:

  1. Choose the appropriate styleThere are several patterns of intermittent fasting, such as 16/8 (fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour period) or 5:2 (eating normally 5 days a week and reducing calories to about 500-600 calories on XNUMX non-intermittent fasting days). Consecutive). Choose the style that best suits your lifestyle and health needs.
  2. Focus on healthy foodsDuring eating periods, make sure to eat nutritious foods that include vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  3. Drink a lot of waterDrinking sufficient amounts of water is essential during the fasting period to avoid dehydration.
  4. Controlling portion sizes: Avoid overeating during the eating period, as this can lead to not losing weight or even gaining it.
  5. Playing sportsCombining intermittent fasting and exercise can increase the effectiveness of fat loss, but make sure to coordinate this in a way that suits your energy and physical health.
  6. Listen to your body: If you feel any uncomfortable symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, or nausea, you should see a doctor or nutritionist.
  7. Avoid intermittent fasting in some cases: Such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or the presence of certain health conditions.

How does intermittent fasting work?

Intermittent fasting works by changing the way your body handles energy and nutrients. The main mechanisms through which it works are as follows:

  1. Changing metabolic patterns: When you fast, your blood glucose level drops, which leads to lower insulin levels. This encourages the body to use stored fat as an energy source instead of glucose.
  2. Increase fat burningFasting helps stimulate fat metabolism, a process in which the body uses stored fat to produce energy.
  3. Improve insulin sensitivityBy reducing frequent exposure to insulin, intermittent fasting can improve insulin sensitivity, making the body's cells more efficient at using glucose.
  4. Increased secretion of growth hormoneFasting can increase the secretion of growth hormone, which has beneficial effects on growth, metabolism, and fat loss.
  5. Promote cell repair and detoxificationFasting stimulates autophagy, a process in which the body gets rid of damaged cells and renews them, which helps improve overall health and combat aging.
  6. Improve mental health and cognitive functionsFasting can positively affect the brain by enhancing the production of neuroproteins that support nerve growth and functional development.

Intermittent fasting plans

Intermittent fasting plans vary to suit different needs and lifestyles. Here are some popular plans:

  1. Fasting 16/8: It involves fasting for 16 consecutive hours per day and eating within an 8-hour time window. For example, it might involve eating between 12pm and 8pm, then fasting from 8pm until 12pm the next day.
  2. Fasting 5:2This pattern involves eating normally five days a week, and restricting calories to about 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days a week.
  3. Alternative fastingThis type involves fasting for an entire day or severe calorie restriction (about 500 calories), followed by a day of eating normally, and this pattern repeats.
  4. Fasting for 24 hours: It involves fasting for a full 24 hours, once or twice a week. For example, from lunch to lunch the next day.
  5. Fast Warrior (Warrior): It involves eating in a small window of time, usually about 4 hours, and fasting for the rest of the day. Eating nutrient-dense whole foods is encouraged during mealtime.
  6. Night stopping fast: This involves avoiding eating for a certain period during the night, for example, not eating after 7 pm until 7 am.

Is intermittent fasting safe?

Intermittent fasting can be safe and effective for many people, but it's not right for everyone. Here are some points to think about how safe intermittent fasting is:

  1. health benefitsIntermittent fasting may offer benefits such as improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation, supporting weight loss, and improving some health indicators. However, results vary from person to person.
  2. Taking into account health conditions: If you suffer from certain health conditions such as diabetes, eating disorders, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before starting intermittent fasting.
  3. doctor consultation: It is important to consult your healthcare provider before starting any new diet, especially if you are taking medications that affect food and blood sugar levels.
  4. Monitor side effects: Some people may experience side effects such as headache, dizziness, nausea, or fatigue, especially at the beginning of fasting. It is important to monitor these symptoms and adjust the plan if necessary.
  5. Effects on mental healthIntermittent fasting has potential effects on mental health and should be approached with caution in people with a history of eating disorders or food-related anxiety.
  6. balanced nutrition: It is important to ensure that you eat balanced and nutritious nutrition during eating periods to ensure that the body receives the necessary nutrients.

How many kilos do you lose intermittent fasting in a week?

Intermittent fasting can result in significant weight loss over the course of a week. For example, some suggest that following a 16-hour fast and eating within eight hours a day can lead to losing 2 to 3 kilograms during the week. If the duration of fasting increases to 18 hours a day, about half to one kilogram of weight may be lost within one week.

There is also a “5:2” intermittent fasting system where you set aside two non-consecutive days a week to eat no more than 500-600 calories, and eat normally on the other days. Some indicate that intermittent fasting in this system can lead to a loss of between 3 kilograms to 7 kilograms per week, and the individual continues to lose weight continuously for about two months until he reaches 10 to 12 kilograms.

In general, some studies indicate that the benefits of intermittent fasting can appear in the long term after about 10 weeks, when the individual has lost at least 5 kilograms of weight. It should be noted that weight loss is not the only benefit of intermittent fasting, as many point to its other benefits, such as improving heart health and blood circulation, and improving the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

When do the results of intermittent fasting appear?

The period for the results of intermittent fasting varies from person to person and depends on several factors. However, you may notice some results approximately ten days after starting intermittent fasting. It may take anywhere from two to ten weeks to feel weight loss.

Health begins to improve slightly on the first day of fasting and continues to improve with continued fasting or eating healthy food. It is important that you follow this system correctly to get the desired results.

You may also notice blood changes and increased insulin sensitivity about 10 days after starting this regimen. Other benefits of intermittent fasting include regulating hormone performance, reducing tissue damage in surgery, and improving outcomes.

However, we must remember that it can take some time for a person's body to adapt to this diet. It usually takes the body from 4 to XNUMX weeks to get used to and adapt to intermittent fasting. You may feel hungry or cranky at first as your body gets used to this new style of feeding.

Intermittent fasting diet experiences

Does intermittent fasting really reduce weight?

Intermittent fasting is an effective and scientifically proven weight loss method. This system helps control appetite and stimulate fat burning without having to significantly reduce calories. When intermittent fasting is practiced correctly, the body converts stored sugars into energy and consumes fats as fuel for the body. As a result, weight loss and fat loss become possible. The initial results of intermittent fasting can begin to appear about 10 days after you start implementing the system correctly, and it can take some time to notice the desired weight loss. Do not forget that consulting a doctor before starting any new diet is always necessary to maintain your health.

What is forbidden food in intermittent fasting?

In intermittent fasting, there are some foods that you should avoid eating to get the best results in losing weight and improving your health. It is recommended to reduce the intake of foods that are rich in calories and contain high amounts of added sugars and fats. Among the foods prohibited during intermittent fasting are foods that contain large amounts of added sugar, such as sweets, processed foods, and sweetened drinks. Also, you should avoid eating chips and fast food that contain high levels of fat and unhealthy calories.

On the other hand, it is preferable to eat foods rich in fiber during periods of fasting, such as broccoli and cauliflower, as fiber helps you feel full and maintains the energy balance in the body. In addition, you must eat sufficient amounts of foods containing protein, such as white meat, fish, and legumes, to enhance the process of burning fat in the body and maintain muscle mass.

In general, a person should adhere to healthy and balanced foods during periods of intermittent fasting, and avoid eating unhealthy foods that may reduce the expected benefits of this diet. There should be an emphasis on scheduling balanced meals that contain the necessary nutrients for the human body, based on his individual needs and the recommendations of a doctor or nutritional expert.

Is it permissible to eat bread during intermittent fasting?

It is preferable to eat whole grain bread instead of white bread, as it is full of dietary fiber that enhances the feeling of fullness and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Therefore, wholemeal bread can be part of your breakfast during intermittent fasting.

However, care should be taken to eat bread in limited quantities so as not to exceed the permissible limit of carbohydrates. In general, it is believed that eating low-calorie, completely carbohydrate-free foods during intermittent fasting may help promote weight loss.

It doesn't just stop at eating bread, other starches such as white rice and pasta can be included in lunch as well. But you must be careful not to eat large amounts of starches, especially if you have an obesity problem.

How many kilograms does intermittent fasting lose in a month?

Intermittent fasting can contribute to losing approximately 20 kilograms within one month. Results vary depending on how long you follow it and other factors such as the type of food consumed and the duration of physical exercise. A 20-hour-a-day fast, where food is eaten within a limited time period of up to 8 hours, can be one of the more challenging diets to adhere to on a daily basis. Therefore, this system may not be suitable for everyone. It is also important to add that losing weight is not the only goal of paying attention to body health.

Intermittent fasting experiments to lose weight quickly and safely

Does intermittent fasting reduce the stomach?

Intermittent fasting may help reduce abdominal fat. This is due to the moderate energy restriction that intermittent fasting causes. Leptin and adiponectin are thought to be significantly improved by intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting works by prolonging the fasting period after the calories you have consumed have been burned, which results in fat being consumed as an energy source. This method can help in slimming the abdomen and getting rid of belly and excess weight.

An important method in achieving these results is to follow an intermittent fasting system and pay attention to appropriate protein intake. An American study has shown that eating protein frequently with intermittent fasting may increase the burning of belly fat more and faster.

In addition to improving appetite, intermittent fasting can work to lose weight and reduce belly fat, although it is necessary to have a nutritional balance and rely on the diversity of food in the diet to ensure obtaining the necessary nutrients.

When do I measure my weight during intermittent fasting?

When practicing intermittent fasting, the timing of weighing is important to know the results of your diet and track your progress. A common mistake is that some people measure their weight after eating, which affects the accuracy of the results.

In general, it is recommended that weight be measured early in the morning before eating any type of food or drinking fluids. It is best to measure your weight after you wake up and before you start eating during the fasting period.

In addition, you can also measure your weight at the same time daily or weekly to track your weight changes and weight loss progress over the course of intermittent fasting.

On the other hand, you may notice a difference in your weight and body after a period of time ranging from two to ten weeks after starting intermittent fasting. The time required to lose weight varies depending on several factors, such as the person's basic weight, type of diet, and lifestyle.

In general, it is recommended to choose a time window for eating that works for you, such as fasting from 9am to 5pm, 10am to 6pm, or 12pm to 8pm. You can also consult a nutritionist to determine the optimal pattern for your intermittent fasting and determine the optimal weigh-in time for you.

How many meals in intermittent fasting?

If you are wondering how many meals you can eat during intermittent fasting, here is the answer. The number of meals can be divided into different intermittent fasting systems, such as the 16:8 system and the 5:2 system. For the 16:8 diet, you can eat three meals divided into two main meals and a snack in between.

In this diet, you eat in a specific time window for only 8 hours of the day, and then fast for 16 hours. Of course, you can modify this regimen and eat in a shorter or longer period of time based on your comfort and personal needs.

As for the 5:2 system, this system includes choosing two non-consecutive days during the week for fasting, where one eats no more than 500-600 calories during these two days. On other days, he can follow a normal diet. This system gives greater flexibility in determining meals and fasting according to a person's preferences.

It is worth noting that in both systems, it is important to take care of eating breakfast during the intermittent fasting period. It is preferable for breakfast to be rich in protein and fiber, and to be completely free of carbohydrates, sugars and fats, to maintain the health of the body and control blood sugar levels.

Can dates be eaten during intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is one of the popular diets that achieve positive results in losing weight and improving health. Many people wonder whether dates can be eaten during intermittent fasting. Opinion differs on this matter, as dates contain a high percentage of sugars and carbohydrates, and this may affect blood sugar levels and hinder the fasting process.

However, there is some research that suggests eating a moderate amount of dates during intermittent fasting may be appropriate. It is preferable to choose types of dates that contain a low amount of sugars and carbohydrates, such as Medjool dates or Deglet Nour dates.

Dates can be used for breakfast to replace sugars and energy lost during the fasting period. Dates are considered a food rich in beneficial nutrients and fiber. They also contain antioxidants that enhance the health of the immune system and protect the body from diseases.

However, dates should be eaten in moderate quantities and not in excess during the intermittent fasting period. It is recommended to eat 5 to 7 dates with a cup of skim milk as a snack for breakfast, to compensate for lost sugars and energy.

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