Why does secondary succession take less time than primary succession?

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed7 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Why does secondary succession take less time than primary succession?

The answer is: Because of the presence of soil and some living creatures in the case of secondary succession, while the pioneers in the primary succession need a long time to build the basic soil necessary for the life of other species.

Secondary succession takes less time because it begins when the Earth is already capable of accommodating life. This is because soil exists and the internal environment is shaped by the plants and animals that live in it. In addition, diverse living communities in an ecosystem help accelerate secondary succession. In primary succession, the basic soil necessary for life must be built and conditions suitable for biodiversity must be created, and this takes a long time. Therefore, secondary succession is a very important process to restore ecological balance and enable the affected area to rebuild its ecosystem.

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