Which of the following is an appendix of the masculine plural

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed14 May 2023Last update: 12 months ago

Which of the following is an appendix of the masculine plural

The answer is: Muslims.

The masculine plural form is commonly used in many languages ​​and dialects. It is a form of plural that uses endings to refer to more than one thing. To make the masculine form more specific, certain words can be appended to the form, such as numerical decades from twenty to ninety, scholars, years, lands, heights, peoples, firsts, and sons. One example of a word attached to the masculine plural form is “Muslims.” This word is often used when referring to a group of people who practice Islam. Other words might include "seventies" and "engineers." Although these words are not commonly appended to a masculine plural noun, they can still be considered an appendix to it. By understanding which words can be added to the masculine plural, effective communication with others becomes easier.

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