When the rear falls, the first thing that touches the ground is the seat

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy30 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

When the back fall first touches the ground seat?

The answer is: right.

When a person falls backwards, the first thing that hits the ground is the seat of his or her pants. This is because the seat of the pants is the bottom of the clothing, and therefore the first thing to touch the ground when a person falls. It is important to note that the seat of the pants may not always be the first thing to touch the ground, because in some cases a person may fall on their back, arms, or head first. In such cases, the seat of the pants may not be the first thing to touch the floor. However, it is still important to remember that the seat of the pants is usually the first thing to touch the ground when a person falls backwards.

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