There are Sunnahs for funerals

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy23 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Funerals have Sunnahs from them?

The answer is:

  • hasten his burial
  • Walk with the funeral
  • Standing at the grave and praying for the dead

Funeral rites are essential for the deceased and those present.
Those present at the funeral should be in a state of humility, respect and reverence for the dead.
They should also be aware of the various Sunnahs that accompany the funeral prayer.
These include the Sunnahs of seeking refuge and basmalah before reading Al-Fatihah, doubling the ranks of the worshipers, and walking with the funeral.
It is also desirable to stand at the grave in burying the dead.
Finally, it is Sunnah to recite some Sunnahs during the funeral prayer during the day.

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