The neuter element in the plural is the one

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed13 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The neuter element in the plural is the one

The answer is: خطأ

The neutral element in addition is the number zero, and it is the element that does not affect the result of addition with any other element. Most mathematicians believe that this element is the only neutral element in the addition. This element is characterized by the fact that it does not give any value other than zero, and it does not affect the calculation process. The neutral element in addition is used in many uses of daily life, such as financial calculations, accounting work, and statistical calculations, and this element is considered one of the basics necessary to better understand arithmetic and mathematical concepts. The neutral element also creates a feeling of connections and balance between numbers, and enhances understanding and mathematical analysis of problems.

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