The masculine plural of Salem is called by this name

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed4 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The masculine plural of Salem is called by this name

The answer is:

"The masculine plural of Salem is called by this name because the singular noun is in it
Peaceful or devoid of any change, for example, a teacher collected by teachers in the nominative case, we add waw and nun, teacher, teachers, and in the accusative and prepositional we add ya and noun, so we can add waw, noun, or ya and noon to the singular noun without any change to it, so it becomes a masculine plural of salem."

The masculine plural of Salem is a form of a singular noun that maintains its original form when transformed into the plural. This form is masculine and refers to more than two, making it a safe masculine plural. The singular construction remains intact when converted to the plural form, which means that it does not require any additional changes to be understood. This makes it richer than other plural forms, such as sympathetic. The individual change ladder is increased through “Wow” with content that helps to understand the concept more clearly. In conclusion, the masculine plural of Salem is given this name because it returns to the singular without any changes when converted to the plural.

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