The direction of the force perpendicular to an object always on a horizontal surface

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed27 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The direction of the force perpendicular to an object always on a horizontal surface

The answer is: vertically.

The term force is one of the most important physical terms, as force is defined as an effect that affects static and moving objects. The direction of the vertical force is always perpendicular to a body located on a horizontal surface, and it is one of the most prominent types of force that is produced as a result of the reaction in the vertical direction of the force. If the force applied to the body increases, our sense of weight and pressure increases. Interestingly, the normal force is not equal to the body's weight if the body is placed on an inclined surface. People who want more knowledge about things related to physics can review it on the House of Science website.

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