Difference between natural pearls, cultured pearls, and artificial pearls

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed6 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The difference between natural pearls, agricultural pearls, and artificial pearls

The answer is: Natural pearls are formed in the hollow of some molluscs or inside a tissue, without any human intervention.
Artificial pearls are known as pearls that were formed by human action in a way that is completely similar to natural pearls.

Pearls are precious gems that are formed inside living organisms such as molluscs. Pearls may come in different types and are manufactured using different methods, including natural pearls, cultured pearls, and artificial pearls. Natural pearls are formed inside the oyster animal that lives in the sea, while cultured pearls are raised in the same way as natural pearls, using the technique of placing tissue or beads inside the mollusk animal. In comparison, artificial pearls are produced in factories by mixing certain chemicals. Ultimately, whether natural, cultured or synthetic, pearls can be used to embellish jewelry and fashion.

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