The best shampoo for lice and nits from the pharmacy, and how do I get rid of nits stuck in the hair?

mohamed elsharkawy
general information
mohamed elsharkawyProofreader: NancySeptember 21, 2023Last update: 8 months ago

The best shampoo for lice and nits from the pharmacy

To find the best shampoo for lice and nits, it is best to consult your pharmacist. He is the most suitable person to guide you towards the right products according to your hair and skin type. These shampoos usually contain active ingredients such as pyrethrin, bisphythrin, and malathion. These ingredients kill lice and nits and help remove eggs.

There are also shampoos containing natural oils such as tea tree oil and lavender oil that help soothe the scalp and strengthen the hair. These shampoos can be used to prevent lice and nits after getting rid of them.

Do not forget to follow the instructions for use carefully and apply the shampoo well to the scalp and hair. It is also recommended not to share personal products with others to avoid transmission of lice and nits.

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How do I get rid of lice and nits quickly?

To get rid of these insects quickly, you should take some immediate steps. First and foremost, it is recommended to check the hair using a narrow-toothed comb to confirm the presence of lice and nits. It is best to carefully examine the hair section by section, examining the scalp, neck, and behind the ears.

If the presence of lice and nits is confirmed, special products can be used to kill these insects. There are many shampoos and lotions available in the market that contain effective ingredients in killing lice and nits. Instructions for use should be followed carefully and avoid getting into eyes and mouth, as some of these products may contain chemicals that may be toxic if used incorrectly.

After washing the hair and applying the appropriate product, the hair should be combed well again using a special comb to remove dead lice and nits. Make sure to wash the comb well after each use.

In addition, it is recommended to clean and wash all clothes, covers, towels and bedding that come into contact with the head to get rid of any lice eggs that may be present on them. These items should be washed in hot water and dried with high heat to kill any lice and nits that may be present.

Do lice eggs die with shampoo?

A frequent question about the issue of whether lice eggs die with shampoo confuses many people, and the level of questioning reaches the point where they wonder whether the process of washing hair with shampoo is capable of eliminating the eggs present in their heads. This topic concerns many people, so we decided to investigate and find out the truth.
According to lice experts, shampoo alone is often not enough to get rid of lice eggs. They explain that the shampoo works to kill adult lice but not the eggs. The phenomenon of the internal life of the egg requires time to complete, as it takes about two weeks to transform the lice egg into an adult lice capable of reproduction.
Therefore, using shampoo in the process of getting rid of lice and its eggs is considered insufficient alone. Experts advise monitoring the condition and taking other measures to ensure complete elimination of lice, such as using a special brush to remove lice and their eggs from the hair after using shampoo. It is also recommended to wash and clean all clothes and bedding that may have been exposed to lice and in the surrounding environment. Maintaining personal hygiene and avoiding sharing personal items is another project that can be implemented to prevent lice infestation.
In any case, getting rid of lice and their eggs may require efforts that take time and patience. In cases where lice continue to appear on the scalp, it is recommended to seek help from a competent health care provider and consult him about this matter.

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Does vinegar and salt in shampoo kill lice?

We contacted experts specialized in the field of lice control to reveal the truth of this rumor. According to their analysis, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support the claim that vinegar and salt on shampoo are able to actually kill lice. Experts say that lice is a small insect that develops quickly and adapts to its surrounding environment, which makes it difficult to get rid of it using home methods.

While using vinegar and salt may help neutralize lice to some extent, it cannot be an effective treatment on its own. There are specialized anti-lice products that contain effective chemicals that are recommended by experts to get rid of lice completely.

Does washing hair regularly eliminate lice?

The researchers conducted an experiment on a group of people suffering from lice, where their hair was washed daily for a week. Despite repeated washing, it was found that the lice were not completely eliminated.

The study found that lice have an innate ability to survive on the scalp and hair, even when exposed to water and shampoo. These organisms hide their bodies in the hair shaft close to the scalp, making them more difficult to treat.

In addition, the study indicates that lice evolve rapidly and adapt to any chemicals that may be used to eliminate them. For example, the use of chemical pesticides found in anti-lice shampoo may be effective at first, but the lice may become stronger over time and the materials become ineffective.

How do I kill lice from the first time?

Ways to prevent head lice:

  1. Stay clean: Experts recommend washing your hair and scalp regularly using the right shampoo and warm water.
  2. Use a special comb: A specially prepared comb can be used to remove lice and their eggs. It is recommended to use the comb on hair wet with shampoo to increase the effectiveness of the process.
  3. Avoid sharing personal items: It is best to avoid sharing masks, clips, brushes, and other personal items to limit the transmission of head lice.

Ways to deal with head lice:

  1. Use lice pesticides: The use of lice pesticides available in pharmacies is an essential step in treatment. Instructions for use must be followed carefully to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.
  2. Wash all personal items: The patient and all family members should wash their clothes, bedding, towels, shirts, and anything else that may have been exposed to head lice.
  3. Cleaning furniture and beds: The patient and all family members must clean the furniture and beds well to get rid of any lice or eggs that may be present in them.

How do I get rid of nits attached to the hair?

First, before you start removing the nits, it is preferable to moisturize the hair using a conditioner or water rich in moisturizers. This will help loosen tangles and make the nits easier to separate from the hair.

After that, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Use a fine comb: Look for a comb with fine teeth and a narrow pick. Divide the hair into small sections and start combing it gently from the bottom to the top, starting from the ends of the hair down to its roots. It may take some time and patience, but repeating the process regularly will help achieve the desired results.
  2. Use natural oil: You can use natural oils such as coconut oil or olive oil to soften the strands and relieve tangles. Warm the oil slightly and apply it to the strands, then use your fingers to gently detangle. You can also use a natural bristle brush to help release the nits.

What is the thing that lice hate?

The thing that lice hate is a “clean scalp”! Yes, it may be hard to believe that lice prefer dirty heads over clean heads, but this is the surprising fact.

Scientific studies show that a clean scalp helps keep lice away. Data shows that lice can easily track odors from unclean scalps, which helps them settle in and reproduce quickly. On the other hand, research suggests that clean, scented scents make it difficult for lice to distinguish between clean hair and unclean hair, hindering their ability to reproduce and survive.

If you believe that clean hair has a natural protection against lice, this may be your key to getting rid of this persistent problem. Therefore, it is important that we take care of the cleanliness of our scalp and use anti-lice products when needed.

What causes lice to appear suddenly?

  1. Direct contact: Lice is transmitted quickly from one person to another when there is direct contact between heads, such as playing very close or participating in group games that lead to hundreds of heads coming into contact.
  2. Sharing personal items: Lice may live on clothing or personal items that are shared between people, such as hats, scarves, and combs.
  3. Personal hygiene: Lice grow quickly in an unclean environment, and not following personal hygiene can contribute to the sudden appearance of lice. Therefore, we must pay special attention to keeping the head clean and use anti-lice shampoos regularly.

In order to get rid of lice, some preventive and therapeutic measures should be followed, such as the following:

  • Wash the scalp regularly with anti-lice shampoo.
  • Do not share personal items with others.
  • Avoid direct contact with infected heads.
  • Wash clothes and personal items regularly and well.
  • Consult a doctor to obtain appropriate treatment, such as shirts and other items treated.

When does the nits turn into lice?

The process of turning from nits into lice is gradual, as it occurs when there are suitable conditions for the lice to reproduce and grow. Among the factors that may contribute to this transformation is the proximity of the infected person to another person suffering from lice, as lice are transmitted from one person to another through direct contact.

In addition, suitable environmental conditions such as humidity and high temperature contribute to increasing the spread of lice. Furthermore, turning from nits into lice may be more likely for people who have poor scalp hygiene or neglect of hair care.

In general, care must be taken to maintain personal hygiene and avoid sharing personal clothing and hair tools in order to prevent the transmission of nits and lice. If lice is suspected, a doctor should be consulted to obtain the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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