The barrier between Sami and completing his education according to the text read is

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed27 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The barrier between Sami and completing his education according to the text read is

The answer is: Twice his father's capabilities

Sami faces a major obstacle that hinders him in completing his education. He lives in an environment that does not sufficiently support scientific and cognitive growth. Despite his strong desire to learn and achieve his dreams, his family and social environment assume that he works like other members of society, which makes him make choices that deprive him of the opportunity to invest in his educational future. One of the most important elements that increases this obstacle is the lack of appropriate outlets for learning and development in his community, which makes achieving his goals almost impossible. Therefore, individuals and competent government agencies should extend a helping hand to remove these obstacles and create an environment that encourages innovation, science and knowledge.

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