The Arctic Circles and the Arctic Circle represent the two cold regions.

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed7 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The Arctic Circles and the Arctic Circle represent the two cold regions.

The answer is:

  • correct phrase.
  • It is called the cold regions or the polar regions, which are formed at the confluence of the two polar circles, so that the Arctic region as well as the Southern Arctic are their centers, and they are regions known to have a climatic nature that makes human life difficult for them due to the extremely low temperatures.

The Arctic and Antarctic circles represent the cold regions on Earth. These regions have very long summer months and very cold winter months, and they are located between latitudes 66.5 degrees north and south. The polar regions are among the coldest places on Earth, as they have weather conditions not experienced in other regions of the Earth. These regions, which extend around the central poles in the north and south, represent a unique model of environmental diversity on the surface of the Earth. The climate in these areas is considered very difficult to live in, but the microorganisms that live in these areas have their own advantage and possess unique adaptive capabilities, not to mention the enormous beauty of nature in those areas.

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