One of the ways to get rid of solid waste is landfilling

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy3 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Methods of disposal of solid waste sanitary landfill?

The answer is: By burying them in locations that do not seep into the soil and groundwater.

One of the methods of disposing of solid waste is sanitary landfill, which is done by burying this waste in sites that preserve the environment and do not seep into the soil and groundwater, by loading it in successive layers and compacting it tightly. Although this is not the only method of disposing of solid waste, it is widely used and helps reduce pollution resulting from waste. It also allows the disposal of sites to be reused after several years for other purposes. Governments are interested in regulating this method of waste disposal and educating citizens about the need to pay attention and be careful to sort waste and not throw it in the streets and public places.

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