One of the most prominent cities built by the Umayyads

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy5 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Of the most prominent cities built by the Umayyads?

The answer is:

  • Kairouan city in Morocco
  • Wasit city in Iraq
  • Ramla city in Palestine
  • Al-Rusafa city in Syria
  • Helwan city in Egypt

Kairouan, located in Morocco, is one of the most prominent cities built by the Umayyads. In the year 50 AH (670 AD) Hassan bin Al-Numan Al-Ghassani founded this city, which quickly became an important center of trade and culture. Kairouan was built for a specific purpose – to serve as a religious and political center for the Umayyads. As such, it is decorated with numerous mosques and palaces, making it a magnificent sight to behold. Over time, Kairouan became the capital of Ifriqiya, the North African region controlled by the Umayyads. This city was also an important center of learning and scholarship; Many scholars and travelers visited Kairouan to take advantage of its libraries and institutes. Today, Kairouan remains an important historical site rich in culture and heritage. It is a great example of the influence of the Umayyads in North Africa.

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