One of the important foundations of composition is balance, unity and rhythm

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy6 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Of the important foundations of composition balance, unity and rhythm?

The answer is: right.

Unity, balance and rhythm are important foundations of composition that contribute to the success of an artistic work. Unity represents the interconnection between the various elements to form an integrated work of art, while balance expresses the balance between these elements, as they must be balanced with each other to form a harmonious aesthetic composition. On the other hand, rhythm reflects the necessity of a refined and harmonious movement in artistic composition. These foundations must be achieved in a harmonious creative format and under a central focus. Therefore, the artist must have a keen ear and a broad imagination to create an artistic composition that is flawless and complete in style, arrangement and beauty.

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