One kilobyte equals

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed16 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

One kilobyte equals

The answer is: 1000 bytes.

One kilobyte is a unit of measure for data in a computer and is equal to 1024 bytes.
A kilobyte is the first multiple of a byte, which is equal to one thousand bytes. KB (kilobyte) stands for the unit of measure for data storage.
It is commonly used in many computer applications and systems as it is easy for humans to manipulate and use.
One kilobyte equals 1024 bytes of information, which means that a large amount of data can be stored in just one unit.
This makes it very useful for storing digital photos, music, videos, and other digital files.
In addition, one kilobyte can be used to store text documents, spreadsheets, and other forms of data.
Moreover, one gigabyte equals 1 kilobytes which makes it more useful for large amounts of data storage.

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