Means I wrote the hamza on the yaa because the hamza

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed30 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Means I wrote the hamza on the yaa because the hamza

The answer is:  It came broken and before it was still

The hamza is written on the ya’ with the word (wasel) because it is broken and what precedes it is a consonant.
This type of hamza is known as a medium hamza.
By writing it as yaa, it allows for a friendly tone of voice when speaking.
Writing the hamza in this way creates a smoother flow when speaking and makes the pronunciation more natural.
It also helps to emphasize certain words or syllables and make language more expressive.
By using this technique, one can convey their message more effectively and make an impression on the listener.

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