Its hexagonal shape

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy13 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

his hexagonal shape?

The answer is: Six sides and six angles.

A hexagon is a two-dimensional geometric shape that has six side faces and six interior angles.
The sum of its angles is always 720 degrees, with each angle measuring 120 degrees.
A regular hexagon is one of its types and has equal lengths for all its sides.
The radius of the circle surrounding the hexagon is equal to the length of its side.
Hexagons are often found in nature, such as honeycombs and snowflakes, and are also widely used in engineering and architecture.
They can also be used to create decorative patterns or to tiling surfaces.
The hexagonal shape provides a number of advantages, such as providing strength and rigidity to structures and allowing efficient use of space.

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