Is the colored picture of the uterus painful? And advice before x-rays

Myrna Shewil
general information
Myrna ShewilProofreader: admin24 May 2022Last update: XNUMX months ago

Is the colored picture of the uterus painful? This question haunts many women who are afraid to try something new, so this article will talk about the color image and dye rays, as well as its damages and advantages. Some tips are presented before going to the doctor so that no surprises happen to her.

Is the colored picture of the uterus painful?
Is the colored picture of the uterus painful?

Is the colored picture of the uterus painful?

When a woman does a colored picture of the uterus for the first time, she may feel afraid because she is trying something new on her, and this fear is what makes excessive thinking intimidate her, but there is no severe pain, only there are some stretches that occur to the muscles in addition to the expansion of the tubes.

The woman will feel mild pain when some cramps occur when the tube is inserted, and this results in some minor pain, and sometimes a local anesthetic is placed so that the woman does not feel any pain, even a slight one, and therefore in the event of pain, it will be overcome, whatever it is.

Is the colored picture of the uterus helps to get pregnant?

Most likely to happen Pregnancy after color image of the uterus It is very large, but there is no scientific evidence of this happening, as the examination cleanses the fallopian tube, and this increases the chance of pregnancy 3 months after the examination, but if there is a problem, pregnancy may be delayed even after the examination.

And because these rays may worry women, it may fall under the advantages of using these rays that they do not require general anesthesia, as they do not cause severe pain, but rather local anesthesia is sufficient, and the rays show the most accurate information that women need with knowledge of the functions of the organs.

Is it possible to have sexual intercourse after x-rays?

It is necessary for a woman not to have sex immediately after this examination, and this is due to the presence of dye residues inside the uterus, and therefore the uterus needs more than two days in order for that dye to be excreted with vaginal secretions.

And when it is confirmed that these residues are out, it will be possible for the woman to have a marital relationship, and this is so that the woman can enjoy good health and enjoy those intimate moments between her and her husband.

The cost of x-rays of the uterus

Sometimes a woman wants to know what is the cost of x-rays or the average price in order to be able to pay them, but everywhere the price varies depending on the type of device and its capabilities.

Appointment color photo of the uterus

When a woman wants to take a colored picture of the uterus, she must know what is the appropriate date for her and know what are the important tips before she goes to that process.

Examination time

The appointment of these x-rays takes place between the fourth day and the tenth day of the end of the menstrual cycle, and this is because there is a small possibility of pregnancy, in addition to abstaining from sex at this time until the procedure is completed, and this procedure takes 5 minutes.

Tips before going for the test

It is better for women to do these tips before going to the doctor so that no complications occur, including:

  • Ensure that there is no pregnancy

Sometimes a woman may be late in performing the examination, intercourse occurs, and then a pregnancy may develop, so it is better to make sure that the fertilized egg is present so that it does not pose a threat to her health and the health of the fetus.

  • Knowing there is no infection

If a woman has an infection in the pelvis, she must mention this to the doctor before she undergoes the examination so that no complications occur, and sometimes he requests x-rays of the pelvis to see if she has an infection or not.

  • Take some medicine

Before entering for the examination, the doctor will ask the woman to take antibiotics or painkillers as a guide before completing the examination.

  • Knowing the presence of any prior disease

In the event that a woman suffers from a disease, takes any medications, or suffers from any special sensitivity to iodine-treated substances, she must inform the doctor of her condition before conducting the examination.

Benefits of a color photograph of the uterus

In order for a woman to have x-rays, it is necessary to know what she is doing with this dye, and this is in order to reveal the causes of infertility or its delay, in addition to the following:

  • Ensure the health of the uterus and its safety from any damages, adhesions or tumors, as well as ensuring that there are no defects.
  • Find out what is in the fallopian tubes? Are they clogged or not? If any, what is the location of this obstruction? And you can treat them.
  • The dye shows many problems that affect the uterus and knows if there are uterine bumps or not.
  • It is known whether there are some abnormal shapes of the uterus, such as the retroverted uterus or the divided uterus.
  • It is known whether or not there is a severe expansion of the fallopian tubes.
  • These x-rays show any external adhesions that affect the function or function of the uterus.
  • They are used in the case of making sure that the ducts are closed in order to prevent pregnancy, or to make sure that they are opened so that the woman can get pregnant.

How to make a color image of the uterus

Instruments used in the examination

Some machines are used during the examination, which touch on the knowledge of the woman so that she can be reassured when performing the examination, and among these machines:

  • Use a speculum to open the vagina.
  • The presence of a tube containing the dye that enters the uterus.
  • There are forceps so that the doctor can hold the cervix.
  • The availability of the chromosomal material that is inserted into the uterine region.
  • The presence of a vaginal sound device that expands the cervix.
  • Presence of x-rays.

In order for the colored picture of the uterus to be made, the woman must present herself a week after the end of menstruation, and then it is the doctor’s turn to examine the uterus to detect some problems that exist in the uterus, such as the presence of a lump in it, the appearance of a benign or malignant tumor, or it may There is some blockage in the fallopian tubes.

How to perform the examination

The examination of the color image in the uterus is carried out through the following:

  • Lie on your back, then bend your knees.
  • The doctor inserts the speculum into the cervix to see it.
  • He begins to clean the neck and injects an anesthetic to prevent the sensory nerves from feeling any pain.
  • The dye is inserted into the uterus as well as the fallopian tube.
  • Imaging of the reproductive system begins with a device that takes x-rays, which are then translated into computerized images.

What is the color picture of the uterus?

It is good to know what the color image of the uterus is because there are some individuals who do not know what it is and how it works. The color image comes from the dye rays, which consist of a substance that has liquid dye inside a tube, and this tube is inserted into the uterus through the opening of the vagina.

And then put this liquid dyeing substance in the uterus and empty it in order to form it in the form of the female reproductive system, especially the uterus, and this is in order for them to appear clearly in the x-rays in order to detect any disease or adhesion in the uterus

Damage to the color image of the uterus

Next to the question Is the colored picture of the uterus painful? There is a more important question, which is what are the effects of the negative color image of the uterus? The group most exposed to such damages is women who have some problems in the uterus, and there are some rare cases with which complications occur during the act of the color image, including:

  • infection occurs

In the event that the fallopian tubes are infected and there is an infection in them, where the fluids collect in them, and thus lead to infection of the uterus due to the entry of the dye fluid into the uterus.

  • A wound in the uterus

When the tube is inserted into the cervix, it may dig into the wall of the uterus and shake it. Therefore, the doctor must pay close attention to what he is doing so as not to harm the woman.

  • uterine perforation;

A speculum is inserted with the tube in which the dye is located. Thus, if the tube is weak or blocked, the dye is pushed with great force, which makes it vulnerable to breaking inside the uterus. Bleeding may occur due to this rupture of the stoning wall.

  • endometriosis

Sometimes the dye leaks from the uterus or tube into the blood or lymphatic vessels, and this entails a lot of dangers and damages, and this results from pressing the dye with great force.

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