What do you know about the interpretation of a dream about incest by Ibn Sirin?

Dreams of Ibn Sirin
adminProofreader: Mostafa Ahmed8 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX week ago

Interpretation of a dream about incest

When a person dreams that he is having an illicit relationship with a relative, this may indicate a set of psychological and emotional connotations in the individual’s life. For example, if the dream includes a relationship with a close relative, this may express some feelings of guilt or straying from the correct spiritual path, which requires the individual to reconsider his behaviors and actions.

In dreams that include a sister, this vision may reflect the strength of ties and the depth of the relationship between a brother and his sister in reality, indicating the strong familial and emotional bond between them.

As for dreams in which adultery with the mother appears, they may be a reflection of the positive feelings and deep appreciation that the person has towards his mother. This type of dream may indicate the extent of dependence and close relationship with the mother, and how it constitutes an integral part of the individual’s life.

Adultery in a dream

Interpretation of the dream of seeing incestuous intercourse in a dream by Ibn Sirin

Dreaming about forbidden relationships may reflect tendencies towards committing immoral acts or deep questions about them, according to the knowledge of God alone.

If a girl dreams of this scenario with her brother or someone else, this may be a reflection of her feeling of a lack of emotional support or need for it.

For a married woman, if she finds herself in such a dream, it may express feelings of betrayal or guilt towards her husband, and God is supreme in the purposes of souls.

Interpretation of the dream of seeing incestuous intercourse in a dream according to Al-Nabulsi

Scientists interpret dreams that include inappropriate scenes between individuals and their relatives as carrying certain symbols and connotations in the dreamer’s life. When a person sees in his dream inappropriate things that bring him together with members of his family, this may indicate that there is a gap or separation in family relationships.

If a person sees that he is in an inappropriate situation with his sister in a dream, this may express his failure to respect his family duties, especially towards his mother, or reflect his feeling of pressure and responsibility after the death of his father.

If a girl sees such scenes in her dreams, this may indicate her desire to leave the family circle and move toward a new future, which may be through marriage or travel.

However, if a married woman is the one who sees such dreams, it is interpreted that she may face problems or conflicting feelings related to forbidden relationships that lead her to think about making radical decisions such as filing for divorce.

Interpretation of the dream of seeing incestuous intercourse in a dream for a single woman

In dream interpretations, it is believed that a single girl seeing events related to inappropriate relationships with her relatives may indicate the presence of complex feelings or intentions in some family relationships. On the other hand, if the engaged girl sees the same scenario, this may be interpreted as having reservations about her official engagement and perhaps thinking about ending the engagement.

While a single girl seeing such events with her father or relative indicates the possibility of moral challenges or internal conflicts that she may face in her life. As always, these interpretations remain within the scope of personal interpretation and God knows the facts.

Interpretation of the dream of seeing incestuous intercourse in a dream for a married woman

When a married woman dreams about matters related to intimate relationships with family members, this may reflect her feeling of emotional coldness as a result of her partner’s preoccupation. In cases where a woman shows her rejection of these actions in a dream, this can be considered evidence of the values ​​of chastity and respect that she maintains.

If she sees that someone is trying to force her into an unjustified relationship, this may indicate that there is in reality someone hovering around her with the aim of destabilizing her family stability in order to reach her.

Interpretation of a dream about committing adultery in a dream by Ibn Shaheen

The interpretation of seeing adultery in a dream indicates the presence of indicators of betrayal or treachery on the part of a person close to the one who sees the dream. When a person finds himself in a dream involved in an illicit relationship with someone from his neighbors, this may reflect a negative view of the dreamer’s morals and indicate a loss of moral awareness.

Dreaming about adultery with one of the dreamer’s relatives is considered, in some interpretations, a warning of a deteriorating reputation or bad fame. In addition, dreaming of adultery with a woman whom it is forbidden to approach can symbolize experiencing periods of distress and psychological pressure.

Interpretation of seeing a father having intercourse with his daughter

In the world of dream interpretation, visions related to relationships between relatives may carry different connotations depending on the context and details of the dream. When a person sees in his dream that he is having an inappropriate relationship with a member of his family, this may be interpreted as an indication of tensions or disagreements within the family. A vision that brings together a father and daughter in an inappropriate context, for example, shows a potential crisis associated with stubbornness or opposition in opinions between the two parties.

Sometimes, this type of dream may reflect a reflection of adherence to ideas and obstacles facing the relationship between father and daughter, as whoever sees himself in such a situation may be an indication of opposition or common challenges. Scientists and dream interpreters also say that such a vision may indicate moral problems or undesirable behavior.

For a father who dreams of this relationship with his single daughter, the vision may symbolize future financial obligations related to the daughter’s marriage, such as preparing for the wedding and its costs. If the daughter is married, the vision may be interpreted as a sign of marital problems that may lead to divorce and return to the father’s house.

Interpretation of a dream about intercourse with a sister

In dreams, the interpretation of seeing actions between siblings may have different connotations apart from the superficial meanings. If a person sees in his dream that he is participating in an act of sexual intercourse with his little sister, this may indicate undesirable matters.

On the other hand, if the brother sees himself in this context with his sister, this may reflect his extreme keenness to take care of her and defend her in different life situations. Whereas if the sister is the one who appears in the dream doing this act with her brother, this symbolizes the appreciation of the value of the guidance and advice that she seeks from him in the affairs of life. Because of his respected position in providing advice and counseling.

Interpretation of seeing a mother having intercourse

Watching the dreamer in his dream having sex with one of his relatives carries different meanings and connotations depending on the context and details of the dream. If a person sees himself having a relationship with his mother, this could indicate that there is tension or disagreement with his father. If the father is in reality suffering from illness, the dream may express the dreamer's fears of losing the father.

In the case of a dreamer who travels, seeing this type of dream may herald the expected return to his homeland or family environment. If there is a dispute between the dreamer and his mother, then such a dream may foretell the improvement of relations and the return of friendship between them.

However, if the dreamer is sick and sees that he is having a relationship with his mother in the dream, this may be considered an indication of an improvement in his health condition and the approaching recovery. Whereas if the mother is the one who initiates this relationship in the dream, this may reflect the dreamer’s fears of illness or exposure to problems in his livelihood.

Interpretation of the dream of adultery with the aunt

In interpretations of sleep dreams, seeing sexual relations with an aunt is considered an indication of the strength of the emotional connection and connection that a person has towards his aunt. These visions carry with them positive signs and indications of receiving news that cheers the heart and pleases the mind.

The interpretation of such a vision carries an indication of the joy and pleasures that will pervade the dreamer’s life, and it also foretells that he will be blessed with abundant living and livelihood, especially with regard to the areas that satisfy the soul and body.

In a related context, if the dreamer is married and sees himself in a dream having a sexual relationship with his aunt, this dream can be interpreted as a reflection of feelings of remorse or a tendency towards prohibitions and negligence towards the romantic partner.

Interpretation of seeing incestuous intercourse with the dead

In our dreams, visions involving close interactions with deceased relatives carry various connotations that reflect aspects of our real and psychological lives. When seeing intimate relationships with deceased family members, this may express the individual suffering from anxiety and grief.

In the same context, these visions during specific periods, such as Hajj seasons, may indicate the individual’s desire or willingness to perform Hajj rituals.

On the other hand, if a girl sees in her dream that she is in an intimate situation with her deceased father, this could be an indication that she will receive a future share or inheritance from him. Likewise, a daughter seeing herself in such situations with her deceased father indicates that blessing will be achieved in her life as a result of praying for him or giving charity on his soul.

As for a widow who dreams of an intimate relationship with her deceased husband, this expresses feelings of nostalgia and longing for the deceased. In a different context, intimate visions with the deceased mother in the dreamer's dream may seem to indicate major endings or transformations in the dreamer's life.

For someone who dreams of an intimate relationship with his mother in her grave, this vision may symbolize the difficulties and severe challenges he faces in his life.

Interpretation of a dream about intercourse between a mother and her daughter

The close relationship between mother and daughter reflects the support and intense affection that exists between them, and is an embodiment of the exchange of trust and the sharing of secrets. The dialogue between them refers to consulting the mother on important matters, especially those regarding which the daughter is at a crossroads, emphasizing the value of the mother’s advice that comes from her experiences.

This dynamic also alludes to positive future developments in the daughter's life, including marriage, which is believed to bring happiness for her. Moreover, when the daughter shows her acceptance of her mother's views without opposition, this shows the depth of her appreciation and respect for her mother's point of view, which strengthens the emotional bond between them.

Interpretation of having intercourse with one’s wife in front of people in a dream

When a man dreams that he is living a shared and harmonious life with his wife in front of others, this expresses a deep level of devotion and mutual love between them. This dream may suggest the presence of emotional stability and a strong loving relationship from the husband towards his wife.

Sometimes, this dream can reflect a man's success in overcoming obstacles and challenges in his professional or personal life. It may also symbolize the improvement of family relationships, especially between the mother and her son, and in the event of health problems, this vision may foretell recovery and restoration of health.

Interpretation of incestuous intercourse in a dream for a pregnant woman

Dreaming about having intercourse with a relative is considered a sign of positive or negative developments depending on the details of the dream. For example, if the vision is characterized by beautiful appearance and positivity, this may indicate the birth of a child in good health and beautiful appearance. While dreams of a negative nature may reflect health or psychological problems that the mother or fetus may face in the future.

Dreams that contain signs of harassment or coercion can be interpreted as a reflection of feelings of anxiety, sadness, or fear of upcoming changes. On the other hand, some interpretations show that dreams involving sexual experiences with relatives may precede important events that affect family ties, prompting the revelation of secrets or delving into situations that require a great deal of honesty and transparency.

Interpretation of intercourse with a brother-in-law in a dream for a pregnant woman

In different cultures, dreams may carry different meanings and connotations depending on the symbols and characters appearing in them. When interpreting a dream about a specific interaction with a brother-in-law, this dream can carry multiple connotations depending on the precise details of the dream itself.

One possible interpretation of this type of dream is that it reflects future expectations and wishes, such as anticipating the birth of a child who may share some family characteristics and characteristics, such as appearance or temperament. This vision may also express admiration for some personal or physical traits of family members.

On the other hand, these dreams can indicate the quality of family relationships and close ties between family members, expressing harmony and mutual understanding.

For a pregnant woman who sees this type of interaction in her dream, it may indicate that there is a match in goals and ideas between her and her husband’s family members, which leads to a broader sharing of future visions and aspirations.

These dreams may also herald good news and improvement in family and financial conditions, hinting at the end of difficulties and the beginning of a period of stability and improvement.

Interpretation of intercourse with the husband’s brother in a dream for a pregnant woman

In a dream, the dream of sleeping with a woman’s husband’s brother may express various signs and connotations. Among these connotations, the dream may reflect expectations of the arrival of a new baby who has characteristics and characteristics that are very similar to those of the husband’s brother, whether in terms of external appearance, intelligence, or other personal characteristics.

In addition, this type of dream can symbolize the existence and strengthening of family relationships and the strengthening of bonds of love and understanding between family members.

It may also indicate the exchange of goals and ideas between the dreamer and her brother-in-law, indicating agreement and harmony in visions and aspirations.

The dream carries good news of a improvement in conditions, indicating the arrival of happy news, which heralds the end of difficulties and the dominance of an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility in the family environment.

I dreamed that I was kissing my mother on the mouth

When a person faces increasing obstacles and complex life circumstances, and if he witnesses in his dream a vision of kissing his mother, then this vision carries meanings of optimism about overcoming difficulties and moving forward towards a period full of ease and comfort. This dream is seen as an indication of improved conditions and the disappearance of worries that were weighing on the dreamer.

If a person is experiencing a period of scarcity in livelihood or money, and he is able to see in his dream that he is kissing his mother, then this is interpreted as good news coming to him, a reflection of his appreciation and kindness towards his mother. This type of dream is an embodiment of the strong and positive relationship between the individual and his mother, and indicates the blessing that this behavior brings to his life in accordance with the principles encouraged by the Islamic religion.

Interpretation of a dream of intercourse with a mother for a man

When a person appears in a dream to see his closeness to his mother in an unusual way, he may feel anxious, considering this a symbol that does not bear good omens. But if the vision is devoid of sexual feelings, this reflects the depth of his connection to his mother, indicating his constant keenness to communicate closely with her and benefit from her advice and guidance in the course of his life, which strengthens the strong relationship between them.

On the other hand, visions in which a person has sexual intercourse in a way that is not desired by the mother may lead to the person facing obstacles in his real life, as he finds himself immersed in problems and difficulties, especially in the work environment, and he may be exposed to financial hardship due to a lack of resources or income.

Interpretation of a dream about intercourse with a deceased mother

Seeing a deceased mother in a dream may carry with it a group of different meanings and symbols. In some interpretations, this vision may be seen as an indication of unexpected events or challenges that the family may face. It is also believed that this type of dream can be preceded by the appearance of some unfortunate signs in a person’s life, especially if he is going through a critical health illness, as there may be a potential risk of deterioration in health condition.

Other interpretations indicate that communicating with the deceased mother in a dream may be a reflection of feelings of loss and longing. However, in some contexts, it may be interpreted as an indication of confronting certain difficulties or existing disagreements, which may require the dreamer to prepare to face more difficult times or Challenges in the future.

Interpretation of a dream about adultery by Ibn Sirin

In interpreting the vision of a woman acting for a specific person in a dream, some interpreters indicate that it may express the desire to possess what that person owns in terms of money or property. If it appears to the person in his dream that he has committed this act, this may indicate his tendency toward betrayal or deception, while some interpret it to mean obtaining an opportunity to perform the Hajj obligation.

As for the act with a young woman, it may symbolize a good investment of money and staying away from extravagance. The application of punishment to the perpetrator, if he is a scholar, also indicates his acquisition of jurisprudence and an increase in his religious knowledge, or strength in the position of authority and its increase if he holds the position of government.

Regarding seeing mediation between two actors, some of them interpret it as meaning that the dreamer is like a middleman offering a commodity that is difficult to sell. If the dreamer imagines himself in this scenario, it may mean his excessive interest in women. If the act appears to be clearly visible in the dream, it may symbolize his tendency to pursue women illegally. In another perspective, the action in the dream, especially if it is done over new clothes, may indicate the arrival of offspring for the dreamer.

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