How do you know the type of weathering that contributed to the formation of a cliff?

Doha Hashem
Questions and solutions
Doha Hashem26 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

How do you know the type of weathering that contributed to the formation of a cliff?

The correct answer would be it

If there are fragmented rocks or cracks, then the physical weathering is responsible for the formation of the cliff, but if the minerals dissolved, then the chemical weathering is responsible.

We can determine the type of weathering that contributed to the formation of the cliff by examining the rock formations.
If there are fragmented rocks or fissures, physical weathering is responsible for the formation of the cliff.
This type of weathering is caused by wind, rain, temperature changes, and erosion of rocks by ice.
However, if the minerals are dissolved, chemical weathering is responsible.
This type of weathering occurs when water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen come in contact with minerals and dissolve them.

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