How do I know the sex of the fetus? Methods of knowing the gender of the fetus from the date of pregnancy

Rahma Hamed
How do I know the gender of the fetus?general information
Rahma HamedProofreader: Doha Hashem23 June 2022Last update: 3 months ago

How do I know the sex of the fetus? When a woman knows that she is pregnant with a fetus in her womb, she longs to know its type and gender, so she tries many methods, whether traditional or medical, to reach an answer. In the following article, we will learn how to know the sex of the fetus with and without ultrasound at home using traditional methods.

How do I know the sex of the fetus?
How do I know the gender of the fetus in the third month without sonar?

How do I know the sex of the fetus?

There are many ways in which the sex of the fetus can be determined, and this is what we will explain through the following:

  • The shape of the abdomen: One of the most common beliefs among women is that a woman whose abdomen is facing upwards will have a female fetus, while the fetus will be male when the abdomen is facing downward.
  • Fetal heart rate: It is normal for the fetal heart rate to be between 120-160 beats per minute, and if the fetal heart rate exceeds 140 beats per minute, the fetus will be female, and if it remains at the normal rate, the fetus will be male.
  • The nature of the skin of a pregnant woman: A woman who is characterized by clear skin and free of defects carries a male in her womb, while a pregnant woman suffers from a female with pimples and pimples.
  • The nature and warmth of a pregnant woman: A woman whose fetus is female tends to eat foods that contain high calories, such as sweets and intoxicating foods, while a woman who is pregnant with a male craves citrusy and pungent tastes.
  • Urine color: A woman who notices a change in the color of her urine in the morning immediately after waking up to a light yellow color, the fetus is male, while the yellow color is dark, the fetus is female.

How do I know the type of fetus in the third month without sonar?

  • Measuring the fetal heart rate: The normal rate of the fetal heartbeat is 140 beats per minute, and when its rate increases, the fetus is female, while it remains at this rate, the fetus is male.
  • Determining the shape of the pregnant woman’s abdomen: When the woman’s abdomen bulges forward, the fetus is female, while the shape of the pregnant woman’s abdomen is oval, then the fetus is male.
  • Determining the signs of beauty in a pregnant woman: A woman whose fetus is male is characterized by beauty, purity of skin, and free of problems. In the case of a female fetus, some skin problems appear on her face such as pimples and pimples.
  • Monitoring the conditions of the digestive system of a pregnant woman in the morning: A pregnant woman naturally feels nausea, especially in the morning.
  • Observing the left breast of a pregnant woman: If the left breast is larger than the right in a woman, the fetus is female, and vice versa, the fetus is male.
  • Observing the eyes of a pregnant woman when looking in the mirror for a certain period: dilation of the mother’s pupils is one of the signs that indicate that the fetus is female, and if it looks normal, then it is male.
  • Observing the feet: the coldness of the feet and their low temperature are indications that indicate pregnancy with a female, and the absence of the previous occurrence for the pregnant woman, as the fetus is a boy.
  • If a woman's hair is beautiful, smooth and radiant, then she is carrying a male fetus, and dullness and split ends indicate a female pregnancy, as she takes from the beauty of her mother during pregnancy.
  • Headache: A woman whose fetus is female feels chronic and persistent headaches, in contrast to the pregnancy with a boy.
  • Observing the pregnant woman when she sleeps: When observing the pregnant woman sleeping on her right side, the fetus is male, while sleeping and lying on the left side is female.
  • Determining the color of the urine of a pregnant woman: In the event that the color of the urine of a pregnant woman in the morning is dark yellow, then the fetus is female, and light yellow indicates the male fetus.

How do I know the gender of the fetus at home?

  • Knowing the gender of the fetus using sodium bicarbonate: One of the most common ancient ways to know the gender of the fetus, where a woman puts sodium bicarbonate in a container containing a sample of her urine in the morning, and when an eruption occurs in the mixture, the fetus is male, and when nothing happens, it is female.
  • Salt to know the gender of the fetus: This method is one of the easiest methods that women used to know the fetus, by putting table salt on a urine sample, and when the mixture turns and becomes cloudy, then the fetus is male, and if the opposite happens, then the fetus is female.
  • The sex of the fetus can be identified at home by observing some symptoms, such as the foods you crave.
  • Can by following the Chinese table.

How do I know the gender of the fetus in the fourth month without an ultrasound?

  • Observing the eye of the pregnant woman when looking at the mirror for a certain period: the mother can learn about the sex of the fetus in the fourth month by observing her eye when looking at the mirror. If her pupils dilate, the fetus is male.
  • Watching the feet: If the mother suffers from coldness in her feet and the presence of tremors, this is an indication that she is preening between her bowels, a female, and if nothing happens, then the fetus is male.
  • Hair: If the mother's hair turns beautiful, shiny and thick, the fetus is male, while she suffers from breakage and dullness in the case of a female pregnancy, as she takes from her femininity genes.
  • Headache: A female pregnancy causes a constant headache for the mother, especially in the fourth month, unlike a male pregnancy.
  • Sleeping: Sleeping on the right side continuously in the fourth month is a sign that the fetus is male, while the left one indicates a female.
  • Urine color: The color of the urine of a pregnant woman with a male fetus tends to be light yellow, while dark urine indicates a male fetus.

Knowing the gender of the fetus from the date of conception

One of the most common questions that pregnant women haveHow do I know the type of fetus by calculation? This is what we will try to answer in the following:

  • The gender of the fetus can be known by calculation by the age of the pregnant woman first and the age at which the pregnancy occurred, and the table is looked at according to the type of fetus. It beautifies a fetus of a male sex, also when adding the age of the pregnant woman and her age in the month in which she will give birth. Carrying a female fetus.
  • Determining the time of pregnancy by lunar time: Lunar time is the period of the moon’s rotation around the earth and is used in the Chinese calendar, by adding 9 months to the age of the child at birth.
  • Determining the age in lunar time: In order to determine your lunar age, you must add only one year to your current age.
  • Determining the month in which the pregnancy occurred through the lunar time: it is necessary to determine if the lunar age will be matched by a lunar pregnancy date. Blue, it means that you are carrying a boy, and if it is G or the word Girl, or it is pink, that means the fetus is a girl.

Medical methods to know the sex of the fetus

  • Ultrasound imaging: It is one of the most reliable and medical methods through which it is possible to identify the sex of the fetus, when the genital organs of the fetus are complete, and to monitor the health and growth of the fetus.
  • Free fetal DNA test: Through this test, it is possible to know the sex of the fetus, depending on the type of sex chromosomes in the fetus, starting from the ninth week of pregnancy.
  • Genetic tests: One of the tests that has proven effective in identifying the sex of the fetus is the examination of the chorionic villi.

Common myths about how to determine the sex of the fetus

Determining the sex of the fetus is one of the things that arouses the curiosity of many parents. Over the centuries, many myths and beliefs have developed about how the sex of a fetus is determined before its birth.

Myth 1: The direction the fetus is sitting
According to Chinese tradition, the direction the fetus sits can indicate its gender. The Chinese believe that if the mother pushes her stomach with her right hand from the left side after the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus will be male. In the southern regions of the United States of America, people believe that ovulation from the left ovary will lead to the birth of a female child, while ovulation from the right ovary will lead to the birth of a male child. However, we must understand that these beliefs are largely based on superstition and have no solid scientific basis.

Myth 2: The wedding ring
This myth suggests that placing a wedding ring in a pendant and placing it next to a woman's stomach can reveal the sex of the fetus. If the ring moves in a circular motion around the pendant, this means that you will have a baby girl, while if the ring moves back and forth, you will have a baby boy. But this story is not based on any scientific basis and there is no evidence of its validity.

Myth 3: The size of the abdomen
Some people believe that the size of a woman's belly may indicate the sex of the fetus. It is known that pregnant women's bellies vary in size from one woman to another, and even in the same pregnancy the sizes can vary. Therefore, abdominal size is not an obvious factor in determining the sex of the fetus.

Myth 4: Face shape and mother’s appearance
Some cultures believe that the sex of the fetus can be determined by observing the shape of the face or appearance of the mother. However, these beliefs have no scientific meaning and there is no evidence to support their validity.

When can the sex of the fetus be known?

Many people wonder about knowing the sex of the fetus, and can it be determined early in pregnancy?

  1. Ultrasound:
    In general, the sex of the fetus can be accurately determined by ultrasound in the 18th week of pregnancy. If the fetus is in a position that allows the reproductive organs to be viewed, the specialist will be able to determine the fetus's sex. If the reproductive organs are not clearly visible, it may be necessary to wait until the next visit to determine the sex of the fetus.
  2. Seeing the labia:
    Seeing the labia is a more definitive sign that the fetus is female, due to not seeing the penis in this case. It should be noted that the development of fetuses differs from each other, and it may be difficult to determine the sex in some cases until the seventh month of pregnancy.
  3. Ultrasound examination in mid-pregnancy:
    The sex of the fetus can often be determined through an ultrasound examination in mid-pregnancy, between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy, but you must consult a specialist to determine this accurately.
  4. Chorionic villus examination or amniocentesis:
    These tests are used to detect the presence of genetic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Chorionic villus examination can be performed between weeks 10 and 13 of pregnancy, and detects genetic disorders such as Down syndrome. As for amniocentesis, it can be performed between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy, and it helps determine the genetic structure of the fetus.

What are the facts about the sex of the fetus?

Pregnancy begins with the fusion of one sperm with one mature egg from the female. From the first moment of pregnancy, the genetic material of the fetus and its sex are determined. If the sperm carries the sex chromosome, the fetus will be male, but if it carries the sex chromosome, the baby will be female.

How do I know the type of fetus from the sonar paper?

The type of fetus can be identified from the ultrasound paper by observing the reproductive organs of the fetus. The male will have a clear penis and the presence of two balls, which represent the testicles. In the case of pregnancy with a female, three white lines will be noted on the ultrasound paper, which represent the vulva opening and labia. The type of fetus can also be determined from the ultrasound paper by The shape of the fetus’s head: the head is tilted to the left, so the fetus is female, while the head is tilted to the right, so the fetus is male.

How do I know the type of fetus in the seventh month?

  • If the movement of the fetus in the upper part of the abdomen is rapid and strong, then the fetus is female, while the movement of the female is characterized by activity but does not match the movement of the boy.
  • When the mother feels that the fetus’s heartbeat is strong, the fetus is female and the male’s heart rate is within the normal range.
  • When the fetus is a male, there are frequent kicks in the mother's womb, especially in the seventh month.

What is the most reliable way to know the gender of the fetus?

There are many methods through which the sex of the fetus can be identified, some of which are traditional, which have no scientific basis, but are merely inherited from the ancients, and with the scientific progress that we have achieved in the current era, ultrasound and the mother submitting to ultrasound waves is considered the guaranteed method for knowing the sex of the fetus.

What are the ways to determine the sex of the newborn in non-scientific ways?

chlorine method

One of the most famous methods for determining the sex of the fetus, which is considered scientific, is where a woman adds chlorine to a sample of urine, and when fizz occurs, the fetus is male, while nothing happens, then it is female.

salt method

In this method, the pregnant woman brings a container and places a sample of her morning urine with the addition of an amount of salt. When sediment is noticed at the bottom of the container, the fetus is female, but if the color of the urine changes, the fetus is male.

nipple color

When a pregnant woman notices that her nipple has turned dark, the fetus is male.

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