Definition of tidal wave

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed13 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Definition of tidal wave

The answer is: It is the advent of the hamzah after the long letter in a single word.

The connected obligatory madd is defined as a sub-mad that results from a hamza that comes after the madd in one word. It is called the “connected obligation” because of its direct connection to the hamza. This type of tide is characterized by the fact that its amount is equal to the separate tide, which consists of four or five movements. If you want to know more about the types of sub-tid, there are the separate permissible madd and the substitute madd. The tide can be classified as a change in the water level in the sea or ocean as a result of the force of gravity, which varies at different rates around the Earth. The tide resulting from ocean movement is known as a tsunami or tidal wave. But once you learn more about the concepts related to the tide, you will notice that this type of tide is of great importance when it comes to calculating times in Tajweed.

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