Crows and ospreys are consumers that feed on the droppings of dead animals

Doha Hashem
Questions and solutions
Doha Hashem24 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Crows and ospreys are consumers that feed on the droppings of dead animals

the answer. They are: sweeping animals.

Crows and ospreys are scavengers and consumers of the food web. They feed on the remains of dead animals, such as crows and some species of animals. In Sweden, crows clean the streets. This is an example of the importance of crows and osprey as consumers in the food web. It is also referred to as the House of Knowledge, symbolizing its role in the ecosystem. Crows and ravens help maintain a balanced environment by consuming the remains of dead animals, reducing the amount of waste that would otherwise accumulate. In this way, they play an important role in maintaining the health and stability of their environment.

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