Choose the possible methods to negate the following sentence: dereliction of duties

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed7 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Choose the possible methods to negate the following sentence: dereliction of duties

The answer is:

  • You will not fail to perform your duties.
  • Do not fall short in the performance of your duties.
  • You have not failed in the performance of your duties.

Several methods can be used to deny the failure to perform duties in a manner that promotes dialogue and respects the other party. It is possible to use declarative methods such as “You did not fail in performing your duties” and “You will not fail in performing your duties,” through which it can be emphasized that the person did not fail and will not fail in the future. Gentle methods can also be used, such as, “I know you take your work seriously, so I cannot imagine you neglecting your duties.” Kind and encouraging words are used to motivate the person to perform better. Finally, it must be emphasized that the proper performance of duties is an important characteristic of a respectable character.

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