Choose the correct answer: Include the importance of the chemical equation in an explanation

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed7 April 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Choose the correct answer: Include the importance of the chemical equation in an explanation

The answer is:  Reactants and products

The chemical equation explains the changes that occur in the reactants and reaction conditions, and helps in fully clarifying chemical reactions and their properties. One of the most important properties of a chemical equation is the ability to find quantitative relationships between reactants and the materials resulting from the reaction. Therefore, the chemical equation helps in performing the chemical calculations required to analyze reactions and their details, including clarifying the quantities related to the reactants and products. In addition, the chemical equation determines the chemical states of the reactants and products, and explains the reaction's need for heat, pressure, and cofactors. Therefore, a chemical equation is an essential tool for understanding chemistry reactions.

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