Characteristics of a girl that men love, and what is a man's weakness in a woman's body?

Rahma Hamed
man's love
Rahma HamedProofreader: Rana Ehab6 June 2022Last update: 9 months ago

Characteristics of a girl that men love. It is difficult for a man to find the woman who robs his heart and mind, and he continues to search for her for a long time until he finds the qualities of the girl he dreams of. Every man has requirements in the woman he will associate with and measures of beauty and personality, and in the following article we will learn about the qualities of the girl that men adore, and the weakness of men In a woman's body, the qualities and behaviors that he loves before marriage.

Characteristics of a girl that men love
Qualities that a man loves in a woman And he does not resist it

Characteristics of a girl that men love

There are many qualities that a man loves in a woman, which we will explain in the following:

  • Attractive personality: A man is attracted to a woman who has the ability to communicate with him in a special way that distinguishes him from others, and she can deal spontaneously with the people around him smoothly, away from pretense.
  • Self-confidence: One of the qualities that a man loves most in a woman is her high self-confidence and beauty, as he loves her interest in herself, her clothes, and the details that highlight her beauty.
  • Have a smart and educated personality: a woman who seeks to constantly develop her culture and information can establish a meaningful dialogue and the man finds pleasure in talking to her.
  • Wearing elegant clothes: A man loves an elegant woman who has a special and distinctive style in choosing her clothes, the perfume she wears, and her hairstyle.
  • Smile: What highlights the beauty of a woman in a man's eyes is the spontaneous smile he sees on her lips without making up or exaggerating.
  • Paying attention to personal hygiene: One of the things a man cares most about and looks for in a woman he loves is her interest in her personal hygiene, so he always loves to see her in the best way, through her elegant clothes, her attractive and seductive scent, her nails trimmed, and the simple use of cosmetics.
  • Optimism and love of life: A man loves a woman who is satisfied and happy with the least things he offers her and looks at the future with a bright eye, so she is for him a source of hope, joy and positive energy in his life.
  • Romance and the expression of her feelings: One of the qualities that a man wants and loves in a woman is that she expresses her feelings towards him in a romantic and simple way, and expresses her admiration for him and praises her for his strength and attractive physical qualities, which have a strong impact on the man.

Qualities that men like in a woman's body

  • Buttocks area: A man loves a woman who has full buttocks, as this area indicates the extent of a woman's fertility and her ability to bear children.
  • Breast area: Men tend to women with full breasts, and love the cleavage that is while.
  • Thighs area: One of the places that a man likes to touch and kiss a woman's body the most, and it makes him feel very excited.
  • The back area from the bottom: This area excites the man's lust and he likes to kiss her a lot.
  • Waist area: The man tends to the woman who has a thin waist, as it highlights the curves of her body in a way that excites him a lot.
  • Abdominal area: Many men prefer a flat stomach for a woman who is free of excess light hair.
  •  One of the qualities that a man likes in a woman's body is that she has a harmonious body that is neither skinny nor fat.

A man's weak point in a woman's body

Men are weak in front of some of the qualities that a woman possesses in her body, as follows:

  • Hair: What attracts a man's attention most to a woman is her healthy and soft hair, so long hair is often preferred.
  • Lips: Many studies have proven that a man becomes weak in front of a woman's lips, especially plump ones, which arouse him in a great way and he cannot resist her.
  • Eyes: A woman can make a man weak in front of her through her gaze full of love and temptation at the same time, and he finds her attractive and charming.
  • Earlobe: One of the areas that men love to kiss on a woman’s body, as it is characterized by tenderness and softness.
  • Neck: A man becomes weak in front of a woman who has a long and soft neck, so he loves kissing the back of it, as it is a temptation area for him.
  • Clavicle bone: Many men prefer the emergence of a woman's collar bone and find it sexy and attractive, so women should wear accessories that highlight this area.
  • Feet: Often a woman's feet are smaller than a man's, which makes her a source of temptation for him, and he likes to see her wearing high shoes that highlight her beauty.
  • Nails: One of the areas that a man cares about and likes to see from a woman is her interest in her nails, trimming them well, and applying nail polish that highlights her beauty more.

Qualities that a man loves in a woman and does not resist her

  • Independence: A man does not resist a woman who enjoys a great deal of independence and has little complaint, and who can rely on her in many things and is not a burden to him, and who has her life and her friends and he does not erase her interest, so she does not give him his personal space.
  • A woman who enjoys the beauty of the mind: the beauty of the body or the face is not enough, but the man loves the woman who has a great deal of intelligence and mind in some situations and he cannot resist his admiration for her, as he hates the stupid and badly behaved woman.
  • A woman who appreciates situations: A man cannot resist a woman who has the ability to appreciate situations well and who helped him to assume his responsibilities and become a source of comfort and relaxation for him away from the trouble and hardship of life and work.
  • The funny woman: One of the most attractive qualities in a woman is her cheerful personality and her sense of humor. She can make him laugh and he wants to spend time with her and never get tired of her.
  • Romance: Romance is not limited to having sex with a man, rather a man loves to feel romantic in dealing, speaking and uttering phrases in which a woman expresses her love for him.
  • Take care of the man: The man is by nature a lover of attention, so the woman should take care of him a lot without exaggeration to avoid problems.
  • Adventurous woman: The man does not prefer the routine, non-renewable woman, and seeks adventure that loves to travel and go out.
  • Smart woman: The man does not resist the smart woman, so he can discuss with her and take her opinion on many matters.

Qualities that a man loves in a woman before marriage

  • Fun: A man loves a cheerful, light-hearted woman who can make him feel good and get rid of negative issues and problems with her, whether before or after marriage.
  • Femininity: Before marriage, a man searches for a woman who has a high degree of femininity, not only in her appearance, but also in her dealings with him, her movements, and her looks at him, so he leaves himself admiring her.
  • Spontaneity: One of the qualities a man loves most in a woman he wants to marry is spontaneity and spontaneity.
  • Tenderness and romance: Every man dreams that his beloved or fiancée is affectionate and romantic.
  • Patience: One of the most important qualities that women should possess during the courtship period is patience with a man in good times and bad, as he loves this quality in his females, which makes him a lover of her.
  • Understanding woman: One of the qualities that a man loves in a woman he will marry is that she understands his circumstances, helps him with them, and gives him positive energy to overcome difficulties.
  • Sacrifice: A man will not abandon a woman who makes sacrifices for him, in order for the relationship to continue and for the love that unites them to be preserved.
  • Strength and weakness at the same time: A man loves a woman before marriage to be strong in dealing with others, to show her weakness in front of him, and he remains the source of her strength and protection.

Strange behavior that men like in women

  • The appearance of a woman as she is: One of the things that a woman will find strange, but that men love, is seeing her as she is, without applying cosmetics, styling her hair, and appearing in her best form, as he often finds that her nature is more attractive and exciting to him.
  • Natural hair: One of the strangest things a man loves is seeing a woman's natural hair, especially after showering, smelling of shampoo and cleanliness.
  • Lip gloss: A man enjoys a lot when looking at the lips of the woman he loves while she is wearing lip gloss and looking in the mirror.
  • Spontaneity: What a man finds exciting in a woman is her spontaneity and childish nature with which she deals with him, whether in speaking or eating and expressing her happiness spontaneously.
  • Exercising and sporting appearance: One of the strange things that a man likes in a woman is wearing sportswear and keeping fit.
  • Strong memory: What excites a man most to a woman is her strong memory and her recollection of the important dates that bring them together.
  • Flying tufts of hair: A man loves the flying tufts of his female's hair, which she tries to remove from her face a lot, and he finds that exciting for him.

When does a man pursue a woman?

When a man likes a certain woman, he seeks to associate with her, but there are some behaviors that can make him pursue her everywhere to draw her attention and feel him, and this is as follows:

  • The man pursues the woman who rejected him, and it becomes a challenge for him.
  • Lack of interest in a man is one of the reasons why he chases a girl until she falls in love with him.
  • Often a man finds a woman's cruelty towards him a kind of mystery that attracts him and makes him chase her.

A woman who stays in a man's heart

There is a kind of woman who remains in the heart of a man and cannot do without her, and this is what we will explain in the following:

  • A strong woman is the one who stays in a man's heart, he is attracted to her, and he cannot forget her.
  • Fun woman ahead of life.
  • Men love patient women who have the qualities of femininity and intelligence.
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