Both adverbs of time and place are subject to it

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa AhmedProofreader: admin30 Jan 2023Last update: 5 months ago

Both adverbs of time and place are subject to it

The answer is: Error.

Every circumstance of time and space is called an object. The object is a word or phrase that expresses a noun or pronoun in the accusative case, indicating the place or time of the action. Its purpose is not to be confused with the subject of the sentence, which is usually the person or thing performing the action of the verb. Adverbs of time and place are used to add clarity and precision to a sentence, and can be used to describe a location, activity, or time frame. For example, the word “yesterday” is an adverb of time and can be used to describe when something happened. The word “here” is an adverb of place and can be used to describe where something happens. Adverbs of time and place are essential elements of any sentence and can be used to provide further information and context.

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