Balance to find product XNUMX-XNUMX

Questions and solutions
admin28 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Balance to find product XNUMX-XNUMX

the answer Subtract XNUMX from XNUMX and subtract XNUMX from XNUMX

Noura Hashim, a student searching for a question, found an answer to her question about the appropriate balance to find the product of 49-27. The answer is to subtract 9 from 49 and add 9 to 27. This results in the product of the two numbers. Using this method, students can find the product of any two numbers quickly and easily. It is important to remember that the scale can be used to find any number of products, not just the product mentioned in the question. Therefore, students should keep this beneficial balance in mind when trying to solve their mathematics problems.
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